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8 Brilliant Ways To Make $100 A Day or More

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8 Brilliant Ways To Make $100 A Day or More - Everything Abode

It really doesn’t have to be difficult to make money. 

And even though making $100 a day (in your own time) can sound really daunting… it doesn’t have to be!

So if you’ve been wanting to make more money then you’re in the right place.

You are also in the right place if you are still a student, stay at home mom, or just searching for innovative ways to make extra revenue from home

This post shares 8 unique ways to make $100 and upwards a day.

These ideas are all legit and if you take action right now and really apply yourself, you’ll start seeing those hundred dollar bills rolling in no time at all. 

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Just a quick note: One of the best ways to make extra money is by starting a WordPress blog with Bluehost! I make passive money every single day.  You can find out how I did it by clicking here or skip all the way to number 5. 

1. Healthy Wage.

Do you like wagering? Well then, what if you could bet on your weight? And what if I told you by losing weight you could make cash?

It is found that people are most motivated to lose weight when money is on the table. 

Healthy Wage fundamentally is all about placing a bet on how much weight you can lose in your preferred time frame.

You can win a reward of up to $10,000 (according to their website) based on how many pounds you shed by working out and getting fit

What to do: Make a Weight Loss “Bet” Today!

To reach that $100 dollar a day, make sure you sign up for Healthy wage’s affiliate program. They will pay you $50 for each Healthy Wager sign up, or $30 for each friend that signs up for their Team Challenge. And to receive your 100 losing weight, it depends on the time and weight wagered on your bet.

*There is a small entry fee, but if you can commit your weight loss, this is gained back!

2. Make money while you walk.

We all understand that to maintain fit, we need to stay active! And you’re likely attempting to do that.

But if you can you get to 10,000 steps every day? Then you have to know about Sweatcoin

This fresh app is something that I use to make money and will actually pay you for every step you make.

Sweatcoin is part of a growing trend in digital fitness apps that offer rewards the more you exercise. 

And this will not only help you to stay lean, be even more inspired to walk every day but being able to make some extra cash while you are doing it is a no brainer if you ask me. 

What to do: Check out Sweatcoin and start getting paid to walk! Daily perks are another way you can earn rewards just by viewing an ad in the app. 

3. Make money with online surveys.

Do you have something to say about a product or service? Use a survey site such as Survey Junkie. 

Survey Junkie’s premise is all about helping brands offer better goods and services. And you can share your view and opinion with them and in return, you’ll get paid for it.

Survey Junkie is the middle man that works for you by beginning to match you to internet surveys that you can take anywhere, anytime, and on any device.

Plus after you build your profile and once you fill out that survey, you get paid!

What to do: Survey Junkie is fantastic for anyone who wants to earn fast money from the comfort of their home. Complete Survey Junkie surveys and start earning your virtual points that can be redeemed to your PayPal account or in gift cards.

4. Get paid for random online jobs.

TaskRabbit allows you to work for money in your home town by doing odd little jobs that people just don’t have the time for.

You can pick up dry cleaning, food shopping, and babysitting all for employment with TaskRabbit.

Many small, daily tasks other people don’t want or don’t have time to do are up for taskers to grab and go.

Popular tasks include; cleaning, delivery, moving, handyman, furniture assembly, and personal assistant tasks.

What to do: All you have to do is bid on a job here and see if you get it! You could potentially pool 3 to 5 little jobs in one day and easily hit that $100-day goal that you are striving for. 

Similar article: 7 Things to Make and Sell for Money on the Side

5. Start a niche site (it’s really not that hard).

If you really want to make a full-time income from home? Then you are in luck if you have computer skills.

Because it’s much simpler to start a website today and a ton cheaper than it ever used to be, than ever before and the payoffs now are much greater.

Not only can you make 100 bucks a day, but you could also end up making 10,000 to 20,000 dollars per month if you keep growing it for years to come!

Keep in mind that this sort of revenue is not instantaneous and may take a bit of time to get started but if you spend a couple of hours working on your site each week, it may not be long before you start breaking the $3000 mark per month with your site. 

What to do: You can take my step by step guide here OR you can start your blog on your own. Just make sure it’s a WordPress website and that you are self-hosted and you will be ready to conquer the world wide web. 

The Blog Challenge How to start a blog and blog full time all on your own! - Everything Abode

6. Freelance with Upwork.

If you like the idea of being a freelancer where you decide what you would like to do to make money, then Upwork is the site for you!

Upwork is a full site that caters to your experience only and then plays matchmaker by matching your unique experience to someone or company that is in need of it.

All you have to do is set up an account and bid for paid work and carry the job out.

You can easily make $100 or more a day once you get the hang of it, plus the more jobs you complete the better your profile looks to book more jobs after. 

What to do: Pick up jobs on Upwork if you have any experience as a virtual assistant, a web designer, a writer, or one of several other backgrounds such as marketing or finance. There really is no limit, it just depends on your experience.

Similar article: Starting a Side Hustle? 5 Ways to Prepare Yourself

7. Review companies.

Pinecone Research is an incredibly fast way to make extra money that pays for your opinion (much like survey junkie).

But the benefit is they pay through PayPal and it’s a legit review company that pays for opinions on ideas. 

Before companies hit the real market, there are many companies waiting for customer approvals before their product launches… And they are in need of real customer thoughts on their ideas and will pay a pretty penny for what you have to say. 

Reviews are worth a lot of money and well, that lucky reviewer might just be you!

What to do: You can get up to $10 on your first try here by filling out their surveys in less than 10 minutes. Do several a day and you are making money directly through your pay pal account. 

8. Get paid to research!!!

Raise your hand if you are online more than you want to be? In fact, if you are a constant online researcher then this unique way to make money will shock you. 

Swagbucks is one of the fastest ways to get free cash from PayPal. All you need to do is replace your ordinary search engine with Swagbucks, instead of using search engines like Yahoo, Google, or Safari to search with and you’re well on your way to collecting rewards and making real cash.

So, how does Swagbucks work?

You simply redeem points each time you’re on Swagbucks when you’re searching for something online. That’s it!

All of your searches collect up in your account and if you happen to search a lot for a living this is a really great opportunity to make extra money online with.

Pro tip: This is a very easy way to make extra cash if you are also a blogger. Bloggers research all day every day, so the two go hand in hand and complement each other really well! I also make money this way and it’s really easy. 

What to do: You can redeem your Swagbucks here via your PayPal account whenever you want! 

The best advice to make $100 a day is to take action. If you need cash, sitting around watching YouTube and just hoping for it will never achieve anything.

Get going and let me know which of these amazing apps and websites are your personal favorites! I’d love to hear your feedback.

See Also:

7 Lucrative & Creative Ways to Make Passive Income -- Everything Abode

Want to take your passive earning abilities one step further?! Check out 7 Ways to Make Passive Money Online next!

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Author: Everything Abode

Welcome to Everything Abode, your daily inspiration for every activity at home!

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9 Fantastic Ways To Survive Holiday Shopping On A Budget - Everything Abode

Thursday 26th of August 2021

[…] 8 Brilliant Ways to Make $100 a Day […]


Tuesday 20th of April 2021

very nice tips, i did not know this possibilities. thanks a lot.


Wednesday 21st of April 2021

Thanks, Pamela. Glad you like it!