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Five Golden Rules of a True Girl Boss

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5 Golden Rules Of A True Girl Boss To Conquer Your Goals --- Everything Abode

The “dream” of becoming a girl boss is now more attainable than ever before.

The reason for this is, is that the world in which we are living in right now has an array of potential and it only takes tapping into that potential to harness its true powers. 

Moreover, as an entrepreneur myself, I can definitely speak from experience because following my dreams and owning my own unique path in life (although it did take hard work to make my dream come true), really pays off in dividends if you are willing to work hard, do what you love, so you can have complete control over how you choose to live.

With that said, after starting my blog and experiencing the life of being my own boss firsthand, I’ve come to realize there are five golden rules that improved my own productivity and willpower when it comes to working for myself. 

Moreover, these girl boss rules have not only helped me reach my goals quickly but have helped me maintain my level of success just all the more steadily. 

So, if you are eager to know how to succeed in life and become the girl boss you were born to be?

Get ready because out of the many habits that successful women and entrepreneurs all do consistently, these girl boss habits are certainly the top five and are worth trying to achieve. 

They will help you achieve any unique goal you have in mind whether they are big or small!


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5 Golden Habits of a Girl Boss

They wake up early

 1. Girl bosses follow a good morning routine.

First and foremost, every girl needs a very special morning routine. They need it so they can conquer their goals and get what they need to get done – done!

Plus, all girls know that waking up early is the key to success (especially when paired with an awesome morning ritual).

So don’t stray away from having one either if you’re trying to achieve your goal or have something really important on your mind because if you make time in the mornings for yourself then you will definitely be able to see whatever it was through!


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2. Girl bosses know the power of their vocabulary.

 These 5 Habits of Boss Babes will leave you more put together and able to accomplish more in your business and your life. Practice organization daily. Here are 5 Girl Boss Habits to Develop Now! Girl Boss, Self Love, Self Care, and Self Development! The 5 Golden Habits Of A Girl Boss! #GirlBoss #Selflove #Selfcare #SelfDevelopment #Advice

Productive and successful girl bosses know how truly important it is to be aware of what comes out of their mouths.

What we say becomes our literal truth, so if you use words like “I should” or “could” when talking about your tasks, then in reality you are recanting defeat!

This is a surefire way that will not only defer away from your dreams but also prevent a quick success too.


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3. Girl bosses surround themselves with like-minded people.

The 5 Golden Habits Of A True Girl Boss - Everything Abode

The old saying goes, “As a monkey sees so as a monkey does!” and it is crucially true if you’re still surrounding yourself with people that are unmotivated in life or not actively trying to achieve their goals.

So if you’re still surrounded by people that are lazy and lack motivation, ambition or who just live for the weekends (as they don’t really care about what happens during weekdays), then it’s going to show on your energy too; eventually taking all those bad habits from them will have an effect on how much time/motivation you’ll put into anything else!


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4. Girl bosses tend to have healthy self-esteem.

It can be hard to stay confident in a world full of doubts and negativity, but it is important. Our level of confidence dictates how we feel about ourselves as well as our ability to succeed with what we are passionate about. To do this successfully, healthy self-esteem is the backbone of confidence and it needs support from healthy positive habits — to allow you to shine out into the open without fear or worrying if someone will judge your abilities.


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5. Girl bosses have a very well-grounded sense of reality.

These 5 Habits of Boss Babes will leave you more put together and able to accomplish more in your business and your life. Practice organization daily. Here are 5 Girl Boss Habits to Develop Now! Girl Boss, Self Love, Self Care, and Self Development! The 5 Golden Habits Of A Girl Boss! #GirlBoss #Selflove #Selfcare #SelfDevelopment #Advice

Take a step back and assess the risk-reward ratio of most situations. Think about what is causing you stress in your life, how can these be changed for the better? For example, if changing careers will lead to achieving greater success than leaving old coworkers behind that bothered you; make this decision based on an OUTCOME rather than instant gratification from escaping people who made it difficult to work at said company.

Remember, a girl boss is a practical woman. She has the skills to take action, follow through with her plans and achieve what she wants in life. But she also understands that taking steps towards concrete goals will be necessary for success; this may mean making good decisions about your finances or relationships as well as following up on commitments made at work because being realistic not only helps us make better choices but also defeats indecisiveness and lack of progress. 


If you are tired of feeling like a mediocre girl boss, it’s time to stop and take control!

You have the power within yourself.

From waking up more productive in the morning, to having practical goals that can be accomplished with ease; there is no limit on what you’re capable of achieving as long as you are willing to invest some effort into reaching those dreams.


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Author: Everything Abode

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Friday 12th of April 2019

Thank you for the terrific post


Saturday 13th of April 2019

Hey, thanks Hans! Really glad you enjoyed it :)