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{this post may contain affiliate links, see disclosure for details} Are you constantly trying to get more blog traffic by optimizing your Pinterest Profile? One of the biggest things that new bloggers forget to focus on is not knowing that their pinning strategy will either make or break their blog traffics performance. Let’s face it, …

Read More about How to Use Pinterest – The Do’s and Don’ts of Group Boards

Need some extra help with your Pinterest strategy? If so, I go to great lengths to show you how I grew my Pinterest account that made me TONS of money in just under two years! You’re probably like me if you spent so much time researching Pinterest to grow your business or blog. Pinterest is …

Read More about My Pinterest Strategy Revealed – Over 20 Pinterest Marketing Ideas!

Are you wondering how to drive traffic to your website? And also increase blog traffic, without having to put forth too much effort? If so, then follow these tips to up your Pinterest game and gain more traffic to your blog.  Following this simple strategy has helped me increase my own website traffic in a …

Read More about 10 Great Ways to Get More Pinterest Traffic Back to Your Blog

Tailwind communities really do form the backbone in most successful bloggers’ promotion strategies!  And in much the same way that Pinterest is used, Tailwind will help you find content, build relationships, reach new and receptive audiences, all in the niches that you write about. Receptive audiences are key, as most tailwind users already have huge …

Read More about The Tailwind Guide You Need For Your Blog

Are you looking to explode your blog traffic with Pinterest? If you are a blogger then no doubt that Pinterest has you wrapped around its little pinky right now… I know the feeling as I feel the same way!  Pinterest has a lot of bloggers scratching their heads, creating pin after pin after pin after …

Read More about 8 Ways To Give Your Pinterest Traffic A Boost