Groceries can really eat up your budget.
For most families, food comprises one of the largest expenses, just after housing and transportation.
Saving money on groceries is a vital way to keep your monthly costs down, so grocery shopping with a plan is key.
Dave Ramsey offers a few helpful tips on how to save money on groceries.
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How to Save Money on Groceries (According to Dave Ramsey)
1. Plan in Advance.
If you would really like to start saving more money on groceries each month, then start taking stock of what you already have in your pantry and start thinking about how you can incorporate those foods into meals for the week.
Chances are you already have most of what you need for a few meals, so you will only have to buy a few additional ingredients when grocery shopping.
According to Dave Ramsey, a lot of people waste money by buying duplicate items, so start at home before you go out shopping.
2. Shop With a List…And Cash.
It is so essential that you shop with a grocery list, that there is a whole article here on why it’s one of the best grocery shopping habits that you can develop.
But one of the primary reasons it’s a good habit to have is it will help you avoid going into the store and randomly buying items that you don’t need.
Taking a detailed list of everything you will need for the trip will really help you stick to the list and your budget unless there is an amazing deal on an item that you will definitely need.
Also, if you can make this a weekly habit and also carry cash with you you’ll be less likely to go over your budget when you grocery shop and Dave Ramsey will applaud you.
Dave Ramsey always says that “cash is king,” so shop with your dollar bills, and you simply can’t go over the budget.
Plus, don’t cheat and bring a credit card as that defeats the purpose.
3. Shop Alone.
Shopping with children will absolutely blow your grocery budget.
Kids are notorious for sneaking things in the cart, begging for snack foods, and generally running up the grocery bill.
In addition, their patience level is typically limited, so they may make it harder for you to concentrate on your list and take your time comparing prices.
If you have to rush out of the store before the kids get cranky, you’re gonna overspend.
4. Buy Cheap Filler Foods.
A bag of rice is inexpensive and can create several meals that can feed the entire family.
Beans, peanut butter, and chickpeas are high in protein and are all Dave Ramsey approved because they are very filling foods.
You can create several meals cheaply just by using these inexpensive ingredients.
Buy large bags of popcorn and portion them out for snacks throughout the week. Purchase a large rotisserie chicken and use it for sandwiches, soup, and salads.
You can really stretch your food budget by purchasing cheap foods that are both satisfying and great for saving more money.
5. Shop With a Calculator.
Have you ever gotten to the checkout register and been surprised at how much you have spent? If so, Dave Ramsey says to be one of those people that calculates as you put items in the cart.
So if you would like to really save more money at the grocery store, it’s time to pull out your handy calculator and start adding up everything as you put it in the cart.
This will help you to keep a tally of what you’re spending and avoid the budget busters that shock you at the register.
Dave Ramsey suggests shopping with a calculator so that you can rethink any impulse buys that may bust your budget.
6. Look High and Low.
Here’s a trick that grocery store owners don’t want you to know.
Store owners place the highest-priced items at eye level while placing the cheaper items on the higher and lower shelves.
And according to Dave Ramsey, this is the one thing that you will always want to remember the next time you are looking for something fast.
Look down at the floor-level shelves for generic cereals, cookies, and crackers. Find the store brand items on the top shelves and start enjoying those cheaper prices.
Another reason the higher-priced items are placed at eye level? So kids can grab them and throw them in the cart with ease.
Funny fact, a cereal marketing agency once admitted that they place the cereal boxes with cartoon characters right at the eye level of a child in a cart.
The eyes of the cartoons appear to be looking right at the child, enticing them to grab the box.
7. Shop After Lunch.
Shopping on an empty stomach is a bad idea. Store marketers go out of their way to appeal to your sense of hunger with colorful food displays and the smell of bread baking in the bakery section.
They may even have sampling tables set up to whet your appetite and encourage you to buy the ingredients to make your own meal (ingredients that are not on your shopping list).
So according to Dave Ramsey, always eat before you go. If you are shopping with kids, feed them too.
8. Set a Timer.
One way to overspend on your grocery budget is to meander in the store, adding more items as you go along.
Maybe they are playing good music and you’re enjoying it. The key to not getting caught up in this is to give yourself a time limit to shop.
After that time is up, head straight to the register with whatever you already have.
Dave Ramsey suggests that the more time you spend in the store, the more money you’re likely to spend, so limit your time and save your coins.
9. Shop Without a Cart.
Just need a few items? Don’t grab a shopping cart or handbasket. Just grab what you need and head to the checkout. This way you won’t be able to load up on unnecessary items and you’ll be bound to save more money!
When it comes to saving money on groceries, use these handy tips and tricks that will save your wallet.
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