Would you like to make your apartment more pet-friendly? If so, check out these pet friendly apartment ideas that have you, your home, and your furry friend in mind!
Are you looking for a few pet-friendly apartment ideas that are both effective and affordable?
Or are you looking for some great ways to make your home feel more comfortable for your pet and for yourself?
If so, whether you have a small apartment or a penthouse, we have some of the best ways to make your little (or big) furry friend feel at home.
Plus, when it comes to creating a pet-friendly apartment all you need is a little creativity in order to make your home more comfortable and pet resilient.
Here are 14 apartment ideas to help make your home more suitable (for an active cat or dog or both!) without having to compromise style!
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14 Pet-Friendly Apartment Ideas Your Pet Will Love
1. Give them their own special spot.
You may have your pet ready to come home but are you ready to bring them home to their own special spot?
If not, it is extremely important to set up an environment (a place they can call their own) so that all their basic needs are met.
For instance, try setting aside a special space for either their kennels or litter boxes.
Doing so will help make them feel comfortable and invited and your furry little pal won’t have to worry about being constantly patrolled if they have a place where they can rest, do their business, and call their own.
2. Give them comfort.
Like humans, pets deserve a comfortable and cozy place to relax and sleep in just like their owners.
So if you can provide them with the perfect materials such as a cozy bed, soft blankets, and extra plush toys, all the better!
There are many different types of pet beds for various sizes of different animals from cushy luxurious bedding to textured durable mats that are both easy to clean and easy for your pet to call home.
Moreover, whatever you can do to provide extra comfort and a cozy feel, the more the merrier!
3. Prepare for extra messes.
If you are concerned with house training your pet, consider rolling up your rugs for the first few months.
Although it is not an easy task, it will save you the hassle of cleaning up any accidents down the road.
For those who live in apartment highrises or leave their pets unattended for long periods of time, pee pads are also a great option to consider.
To get your pet used to pee pads, try leashing your pet and walk your pet to the pee pad and say “potty” so they can associate it with eliminating on the pad.
Do this several times so your pet gets used to the process before leaving them to rely on their own training.
4. Get pet-friendly rugs to reduce extra noise.
In addition to preparing for extra messes, another great pet-friendly apartment idea is to install carpeting scraps and/or small carpets under your feeders or beneath their beds and water bowls.
Doing so will help pick up any extra mess your pet may leave behind while eating and pet-friendly rugs over hard surfaces are a great way to allow your pets to comfortably eat and sleep without disturbing others with the sound of paws on hardwood floors!
5. Have a permanent eating area.
All pets should have their own special food bowl and a place to drink water at all times.
However, to be extra prepared you can also set up their bowls to their appropriate height to avoid choking hazards and/or to make them feel extra comfortable.
To achieve this, take a look at these feeding bowls here!
6. Vacuum their hair/fur regularly.
Pets are like children in that they’ll get sick, but if you take care of them by making sure their surroundings are clean and tidy then it’s likely your pet will be healthy.
Additionally, there are certain oils in hair that can cause dirt to stick like crazy, and these oils have a distinctive odor.
Many people find this smell particularly unpleasant especially when we’re talking about pet fur!
To avoid this, vacuum their fur/hair off the furniture at least once a week — you may also need to vacuum twice a week when your animal is shedding.
When buying a vacuuming machine for your apartment for pets who have long-haired coats or who shed heavily (or both), consider getting a vacuum with several extra attachments.
Crevice tools are specifically designed for tackling hard-to-reach corners.
7. Have pet-friendly furniture.
When it comes to maintaining a home and apartment that can stand the test of time for pets, it is essential to think about your pets’ needs and lifestyle before bringing them into the home.
Cats, for instance, have different habits than dogs.
Cats need plenty of scratching posts available so they can get their fix for their claws without tearing up your furniture or curtains – a cat tree would be perfect in this case!
If you’re planning on redecorating your apartment with new furniture try thinking like an animal too – for instance, metal instead of wood might be a better option to keep chewing from happening if your Fido has been known to chew things up.
8. Take color into consideration.
With your pet in mind, another important pet-friendly apartment idea is to consider the color of your furnishings.
When designing a space for your special furry friend, remember that pets with fur come in all colors, shapes, and textures, so you’ll be doing your apartment a service if you take colors into consideration.
Doing this will make a big difference in how your home looks, especially if you choose fabrics that complement them best!
9. Use pet-friendly stain-resistant fabrics.
If you would like to make your apartment extra suitable for a pet, it’s time to put down that high-maintenance fabric in favor of one less likely to pick up pet hair.
Crypton, for example, is a nearly indestructible synthetic fabric that’s resistant to stains, smells, and bacteria while also being easy on your wallet!
There are even entire lines of these durable hardy fabrics for those who love their pets unconditionally; they include sturdy suedes and twills with names like Polka Dog and Material Dog.
It’s available in many furniture shops and you can find it online at Crypton.com!
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10. Get pet-friendly houseplants.
When creating a pet-friendly apartment, be aware that some indoor plants are toxic to animals and could be dangerous for your pets if they nibble on them- so make sure that the plants you have are safe for your furry little friend.
Not only that but to make sure that the plants you purchase in the future are safe for animals by doing a quick google search before buying.
Remember, if they eat any toxic leaves there could be harmful side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, extra drooling… etc, and that could lead to extremely dangerous outcomes.
Moreover, if your pet has access to your plants such as jumping up onto tables, consider placing hanging plants where their paws can’t reach.
Vines are especially great options for this as they can be hung up high with hanging baskets where the vines come over the edges without taking up floor space.
11. Store away hazardous toys.
Another way to pet-proof your apartment is to always make sure you have an established system for toys for when you are not there to supervise.
Fortunately, there are storage solutions like ottomans and benches specifically designed to keep all those fun items out of sight.
And they will still be within reach while at home – giving your pet plenty of protection from choking hazards in-between play sessions!
12. Keep your pet clean & trimmed.
Did you know that pet-friendly apartment ideas are not only for your pet but for your apartment and health too?!
If you keep your pet clean it will keep you and your pet extra healthy.
Not only that but trimming a cat or dog’s nails will help prevent them from scratching up furniture and floors, while regular baths will remove their loose hair before it gets all over the home.
13. Put washable fabrics on your bed.
If your pet sleeps with you, chances are there will be accidents from time to time.
Cats are known to get sick a lot and dogs do shed throughout the year.
However, if you can place a protective pad to protect your mattress from getting any stains this will really help you prepare the ultimate pet-friendly apartment.
Don’t forget to invest in thick cotton sheets that are both hardy for claws or potential tears and choose covers that can be washed often (if needed) while still retaining their shape without having the fabric fibers fray.
Over time you’ll thank yourself for preparing your bedroom when these accidents do happen in the middle of the night!
14. Choose home-friendly treats.
When it comes to your pet’s ultimate safety, you’ll soon discover that not all pet treats are created equal.
For instance, dogs love pig’s ears and rawhide bones- however, they’re both a bad idea and most long-time pet owners don’t get them.
The reason for this is is that pig’s ears are smelly, greasy, and leave tons of stains on floors and furniture.
They are also nitrate coated and this is especially bad and unhealthy for your pet as it is for your home.
In addition, inexpensive rawhide bones are also bleached to whiten them and have no nutritional value for your pet.
Therefore, when it comes to maintaining a pet-friendly apartment, it’s very important to choose treats that are both stain and smell-resistant that are healthy for your pet and for your home.
Pet-friendly apartment ideas final thoughts
There will always be mistakes and little mishaps when owning a pet.
However, no matter how much one tries, hopefully, these small pet-friendly apartment adjustments, can help keep everyone happy.
That is at least until we humans learn more great ways to live with our four-legged friends!
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Check out, 25 Items To Declutter To Live A More Minimal Lifestyle, next!
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pet friendly apartment ideas
Author: Everything Abode
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Saturday 3rd of July 2021
Well the color option caught me offguard had not thought of it now that i am planning to bring in a black cat