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8 Simple Ways to Slim Down & Lose Weight While Plant Based

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8 Simple Ways to Slim Down & Lose Weight Fast- Everything Abode
Are you struggling to lose those extra pounds while also eating plant-based? 

Like you, I was ecstatic when I turned to the plant-based lifestyle. In fact, when it came to the thought of going all veg, I was stoked, because that meant I could eat more food right?

Well, that’s not exactly true!

Do you think turning to a plant-based diet means you can eat more food?! If so, think again!

Because moderation still plays a major role whether you are eating plant-based or not. 

So, if you packed on a little weight while eating plant-based (like I did) and you want to lose those last 10 to 20 pesky pounds?

These 6 tips to lose weight with food will surely be able to help you out!

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8 Ways to slim down & lose weight While Plant-based

8 Ways to slim down & lose weight While Plant-based - Everything Abode

1. Start by portioning down.

While you might be cutting down on meat products, you still have to be mindful to make sure that you are still including healthy foods and portioning your meals properly. Portioning is a very important way of keeping a healthy and stable weight while switching your diet. 

TIP: Use a smaller-sized portion bowl while eating. This will subconsciously tell your brain that you have had enough to eat.


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Healthy Living Perfect Portions Food Storage Containers


2. Don’t overeat carbs.

The biggest mistake most people make is eating heavy carbs in place of meat and it’s so easy to get carried away with eating heavy carbs because they are so tasty! 

Carbs like white bread, sugary cereal, pasta, white rice, and bagels can produce rapid rises and dips in blood sugar levels. 

When this happens it can lead to weight gain. Try to cut your carb intake by a third every few weeks, you should see great results from doing this.


3. Grow your bond with healthy proteins.

Did you know that eating an adequate amount of protein is the key to maintaining healthy muscle mass? 

Healthy proteins help keep your metabolism in working order but in order for it to do its job, you have to make sure that you are getting enough each day and from the right sources so you can keep the weight off.

Here are 8 healthy proteins for the plant-based diet:

    • Broccoli  (more protein than beef)
    • Lentils
    • Spirulina (more protein than beef)
    • Spinach (more protein than beef)
    • Quinoa
    • Nutritional Yeast (great on popcorn!)
    • Nuts
    • Seeds. Seeds such as sunflower, sesame, chia, hemp, flax, and pumpkin seeds


4. Don’t drink your calories.

Sadly, so many drinks marketed to plant-based folks are not healthy in the slightest… One example is kombucha!

Now even though not all of them are bad, you’ll be surprised that most of them are! You can EASILY pack on those extra pounds because you are being deceived. So to help you out and if you do opt to drink some calories, make sure it’s unsweetened and sugar-free. 


5. Pay attention to servings and sodium levels.

Did you know that some gluten-free crackers have over 35% sodium? Even plant-based meats can have that much! That’s just asking to gain weight if you replace your proteins or snacks with high levels of sodium. But that also doesn’t mean you can’t have the good stuff!

So, to help you out the rule of thumb for when it comes to eating processed is less sodium the better!  Before you bring it home, make sure that it’s not super highly processed and that the sodium level is below 5%.

5% or less of sodium per serving is considered low, and 20% or more of sodium per serving is considered extremely high and the nutrition information listed on the Nutrition Facts label is usually based on one serving of the food.


6. Start meal planning.

Usually, when we eat the worst food, it’s due to not being prepared or wanting something really quickly to aid our unhealthy food cravings

So, if you feel you crave a lot while switching diets, that’s where meal planning really comes to the rescue. Allotting an hour or two a week (especially on Sundays) can save you from gaining unnecessary weight for the days when you are rushing around and/or are unprepared to make something healthy.

Have a go-to meal and plan your meals using Pinterest and start collecting easy meal ideas ahead of time. 

Similar: 7 Meal Planning Tips for Beginners


7. Eat healthy fats.

Did you know that one-third of a medium avocado has 80 calories and contributes nearly 20 vitamins and minerals to your daily diet? Healthy fats are mandatory for maintaining healthy skin and digestion, as well as combatting the unhealthy fats that sneakily make their way onto your plate. 

Here are 8 Healthy Fats:


8. Stay hydrated.

Do you happen to eat something unhealthy during the day?  Make sure you keep water with you at all times and drink it up. Water not only keeps us energized (so we can burn more of those extra calories) but staying hydrated helps speed up the digestion process really well. 


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Follow the steps above and they will surely assist you in the right direction to losing those extra pesky pounds. 

I hope you found these tips helpful and as always, please let me know what you think in the comments, I’d love to help you out!

Author: Everything Abode

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