Did you know that your “About Me” page is one of the most visited pages on your blog?
It’s actually critically acclaimed to be the best and most important pages on your site where you can entice your readers to come back for more.
With saying that, one of the biggest things that most new bloggers forget to focus on is not knowing that their “About Me” page will eventually be the most viewed page of their blog.
And since the about page is the place where your audience and viewers can get to know you better (which is very important) and it’s the first and only place where they can learn what to expect from you in the future…
If you are really interested in creating a stellar and strong “About Me” page for your blog, brand, or business, keep reading because there 40 points (within this article alone) that can help you secure a great footing when people click to see what your website is all about.
In doing so, you should be able to create an unforgettable about me page for your blog!
And if you don’t have a WordPress blog yet but would like to start one, you can easily start by clicking here!
40 tips to Write an Epic About Me Page
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1. It’s so important to create a strong About Me page for your blog — here’s why.
Having an About page serves a couple of purposes. The first one being that your audience gets to know a little bit about you because it helps your audience become a little bit more identified with you so that they feel like they know who they are reading about.
Second, people by nature are curious beings and they want to know about people’s adventures and their past history are and why they have a blog in the first place. This is your space to shine.
2. Even though it’s called “About Me,” it’s really about THEM!
One thing to remember when you’re creating your about page for your blog is that it should not be all about you.
I know this sounds a little bit contradicting because you think that an about me page is supposed to be all about you but here’s a little secret. People want to know WHY they should read your blog NOT your whole life’s story!
To better help you, answer some of these questions to get a good understanding of what you can offer your readers:
- What does your blog offer your readers, that they will want to come back for?
- What kind of posts can they expect from your blog?
- What are you offering the reader that they can’t find anywhere else?
- What makes your blog so special that makes it irresistible to sign up?
3. Tell Your back story — but briefly.
If there’s a compelling story behind your business, let your readers in on it. Tell your visitors a bit about HOW your blog/business came into being but don’t go overboard.
Keep it brief. People have short attention spans so captivate them from the start but lead up to something that can change their lives or can be helpful right at that very moment.
4. Tell people what’s in it for them.
Blogging should not be a self-absorbed vehicle to talk about you because that doesn’t solve much of anything does it?!
So since we already covered that, it’s pretty darn safe to say that creating tangible solutions and having them readily available on your About Me page is the best place to offer the main solutions that you have.
Tell people what’s in it for them in everything that you write about especially on your About page. That way you can have them join you as you communicate further to them on your blog or in your email list.
5. Keep to your blog’s main theme.
Whether you like it or not, your about page will be the epicenter of your branding. It’s where you get to boil the main premise of your blog down to the who, what, where, and how your blog and business stand for.
It’s quite an epic page that should not be overlooked, so make sure that you maintain your branding with colors, similar topics, and your overall mission as one whole package.
6. Let your visitors know what to expect right from the get-go with a mission statement.
Are your readers expecting fashion inspiration, food inspiration, or weight loss techniques?
Let ’em know what they can expect from you right from the start with a fantastic mission statement!
And if you happen to blog about a lot, then my next best advice is to narrow down your main and most popular blog topics/articles as your mission statement.
7. Show off your personality if you feel it’s safe to do so.
This one simple web page is very important especially if you would like to show off your own unique personality.
So make sure to show off your personality by sprinkling in a few things that’ll highlight what’s different about you.
If you’re quirky add a little bit of humor, if you’re serious then write something compelling that tugs at your reader’s heartstrings.
Whoever you are let it shine through every element of your About Me page. After all, it’s the page where you can.
8. Add engaging design elements.
Did you know that the human brain processes visual content 60,000 times faster than text?
Plus, if we are being really serious, no one likes to read walls of text, especially on a mobile device.
So when it comes to designing the overall look of your about page, don’t forget to add engaging design elements if you can.
With the abundance of visual content online these days, people are expecting to find pictures, videos, and graphics on your about page as well, so don’t let that space go to waste and bring your about page to life by adding enticing visual elements.
9. Offer your most valuable resources (if you have any!).
Now that we have discovered that your About Me page is your own little awesome place to establish yourself as an authority in your given niche.
It’s also the next best place where your audience will be able to download the BASIC IDEA of what you offer on your blog in seconds.
So if you have something really valuable to offer, let’s say an ebook, a product, or a course of some sort?
Then your best bet to get the MOST out of all of your visitors is to tell them about it on your About Me page.
By doing this, it will establish your authority in your given niche even more.
10. Don’t cut corners and always stay professional.
There is no doubt that using well-designed templates, appealing logos, and professional-looking photographs will bring your About Me page to life.
Besides, your audience will take it seriously if you do.
So don’t cut corners by paying for amateur-looking logo’s and always make sure that the photos you use are all high quality and are appealing to your brand.
You bet, that if you heed this advice your about me page will gain a lot of fans!
30 More Ideas That Your “About Me” Page Should Contain…
11. Tell your readers a little bit about yourself and give them an introduction to your life.
12. Next, tell them about your blog, tell them what they can expect from your blog. What kind of topics you cover and why they should continue reading.
13. Take advice from expert blogger Neil Patel. He recommends that you keep your about page under 500 words.
14. If you have a DIY blog and you share tutorials, explain to them the types of posts that you create and why they might be interested in your posts.
15. Give your readers a back story and tell your readers why they should trust you and why you’re an expert in your field.
16. Include the logos of any major publications you’ve been featured in or of any awards you’ve won. If you don’t have these things yet don’t worry, even one positive review can do wonders for your credibility and authority.
17. Share some photos but don’t go overboard.
18. Convey your values, your culture, and what makes you different from your competitors.
19. Share the important things that you want others to know and leave the rest for when they are browsing around your site.
20. If you are trying to grow your email list (because you should be) an opt-in form on this page is key!
21. Link back to past posts that cover something that you’re talking about, to get your readers browsing.
22. Create a list of some of your most popular posts so your readers can easily find what they’ve come looking for.
23. If you create tutorials, then within your About Page text, you should link the word tutorials to your actual categorized tutorials page.
24. Use your own voice.
25. Don’t ramble
26. Your customers want to know that you’re in business for them NOT just for profit. Tell them why you are selling a particular product and what you hope to accomplish beyond making money from it.
27. Use facts, not hype.
28. This is a great place to move people through your sales funnels (if you have them).
29. Include social proof! Adding social proof is great because it lets customers know why other people love your brand. This can be in the form of reviews and testimonials.
30. Proofread, print, and read aloud.
31. Give enough information – then stop. Too much will overwhelm your readers.
32. Update your page regularly. Very Important!!
33. Be honest! Don’t embellish what you are doing or trying to do.
34. State your “aha!” moment. When you first realized you wanted to start your blog/business.
35. Explain what it’s like to work with you and show people why they can trust you.
36. Make Friends with your readers! Include your socials to Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
37. Be yourself because no one’s like you!
38. As you become a better writer, make sure you update your writing style to give it that extra boost!
39. Don’t write to just everyone, make sure your About Page is targeting your ideal customer (avatar).
40. Lastly, ALWAYS add a contact me link so that brands & customers know how to reach you!
Offering something of value and letting your audience know about it in the “About Me” page of your blog? Will get you so much further to building an audience that trusts you and wants to come back for more. Remember to keep the focus on your readers, let your brand’s personality shine through, and don’t be afraid to get a little bit personal.
Below, I’ve listed a few of my favorite About Me pages that you can always check out for more inspiration:
I hope you found this post helpful and I’ll see you in the next one!
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Now I want to hear from you!
What’s your mission statement for your About page? I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment below, I read them all 🙂
Author: Everything Abode
Welcome to Everything Abode, your daily inspiration for every activity at home!
Our goal is to inspire you to live an elegant and chic lifestyle from the comfort of your home.
We’ll help you express yourself through authentic style, aesthetic beauty, and stylish home decor.
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kalpana govi
Tuesday 5th of February 2019
Hi Rebecca, I am a new blogger and about to write mine about me page. Very useful. Thanks for the tips.
Tuesday 5th of February 2019
Wonderful to hear! I am glad the tips were able to help you out. Thanks for reading :)
David @davidgaudreault
Thursday 24th of January 2019
Hi Rebecca , great in-depth post! The about page is too often under-valued by bloggers and professionals. It is so important to talk about yourself, but also introduce your blog and the reasons why people should read it! you gave very helpful tips. Thanks! David
Thursday 24th of January 2019
Hi David! You're right, the about page is under-valued by bloggers and it shouldn't be. I am very glad you enjoyed the post! Thanks! :)