If you are wondering what your most organized friend does to stay highly organized, they are most likely doing a few of these habits before noon!
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the time it takes to accomplish everything?
Do you ever find yourself running around trying to remember what you need, but failing to see the whole picture before you go?
Our mornings can be chaotic and rushed if we are not organized, however, you will be far ahead of everyone else if you wake up early and get the things you need to get done immediately.
Moreover, having the right organizational go-to’s (that most organized people tend to follow), is the best way to stay motivated and productive.
Because as you will soon see, being a highly organized person in the morning isn’t actually that hard to do.
All it takes is willpower and the tenacity to accomplish your most important goals before the clock strikes noon.
Here are 26 things most organized people often do and don’t do before the afternoon!
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How Organized People Stay Organized Before Noon
What makes an organized person?
Organizing and staying organized is not about how much you have or what industry you work for.
Rather, it’s about what you do with what you own, what you do with the things you need to accomplish and have, and organizing them all in a cohesive and orderly manner.
Is being organized a skill?
When it comes down to it, yes, being organized is a critical skill to have because it can make your life so much easier.
Moreover, being a highly organized person will allow you to accomplish more throughout the day because you will always know where you stand with time management.
On top of that, if you have a designated space for your items that are used on a regular basis, you’ll generally be able to find the things that you need when needed.
So if you are looking for a few creative ways to get more organized, let’s help you get more organized and stay more organized with these 26 actionable steps that most organized people do and don’t do before noon.
26 Things Organized People Do & Don’t Do Before Noon
1. Follow a strict routine.
Every highly organized person’s morning usually starts with an easy-to-navigate but fixed routine.
This includes brushing teeth, taking a shower, and getting dressed, which is usually as straightforward as it gets, however, to stay extra organized the stricter the routine the better.
If you have a strict routine within the first hour of waking, this will not only help to boost more energy levels but can do wonders for staying even more organized throughout the day.
2. Take care of your most complex tasks first.
According to organizing experts, “You can do the easiest tasks at any hour of the day but your willpower gradually starts to fade as time passes by in the morning.”
This means that it will be more difficult for you to finish your more complicated tasks by noon if you wait until it’s too late.
If you don’t want to make hard decisions after lunch, prioritize the tasks that need to be done and do them while they are still easy to complete so that there’s not much left to do when your energy starts to fade.
3. Plan for the next day.
People who are organized tend to be more efficient and try to make their lives easier.
One way they do this is to get a jump start on their mornings by being prepared in advance (something anyone can do with enough practice).
To save time, they may have set aside the clothes and other items they need in advance. They may also pack lunches or prepare breakfast the night before.
If you are able to start your mornings by prepping the night in advance, this will make it second nature for both people who love mornings and those who don’t.
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4. Make lots of self reminders and notes.
Your highly organized friends and family have planned ahead to remember each holiday and birthday. However, they don’t rely on magic or depend on their memory.
They realize that trying to keep track would make their lives even more complicated during their day-to-day grind.
Instead, these highly organized people write down all important dates so they don’t have to worry about it when the new month arrives.
5. Do keep a daily log of chores.
It is important to perform housework on a daily basis. This helps you feel less stressed by keeping your home tidy and organized.
However, house cleaning can seem overwhelming if you are not able to do it yourself. For times like these, hire professionals who are experts in this field or keep a daily list of chores you need to complete every day and prioritize them according to importance.
Doing so will help you be more productive if you keep your house in order.
6. Make the bed.
One of the easiest ways to stay organized for the remainder of the day is by making your bed.
This task not only makes you feel more accomplished but also “boosts success and well-being”, according to Charles Duhigg author of The Power Of Habit.
And if you want to see proof that this theory works or if you would like a tidier home when returning home after work then consider trying it out today!
7. Don’t Multitask.
At psychologytoday.com, Nancy K. Napier asserts that multitasking is impossible if you are striving for a more organized life.
Instead, she says, “you should only prioritize one task at a time in the morning to get better results (with less work on your part) because time is precious and finite.”
Doing so will allow you to accomplish more things in the same amount of time than if you were juggling multiple tasks or starting out slow due to being distracted by other thoughts.
8. Avoid Distracting People and Things.
It’s important to avoid distracting people and things in the morning if you want to get a good jumpstart to your day.
Studies show that you have the most drive, focus, and determination before noon, so don’t spend those precious morning hours on excessive small talk or phone conversations during this crucial period of productivity!
Moreover, most organized people wait until the afternoon hours for socializing with friends.
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9. Keep your bedroom extra tidy.
A great way to keep your life organized is to make sure you have a tidy bedroom.
Our bedrooms are our most used rooms in the home but sometimes, our rooms can become our workspace when things get out of control.
No matter what your day holds, keeping a tidy bedroom will allow for no distractions when the time comes to rest and relax before bed.
10. Wake Up Early.
Waking up early can be one of the hardest parts of the morning for most people.
Not only do you have to wake up, but you ought to wake up early enough so that you aren’t in a rush.
So to help ensure that you wake up early, make a point to go to bed early enough to get the full eight hours of sleep that you need.
At psychologytoday.com, Linda Werner Andrews, a renowned health psychologist, asserts that waking up early after sleeping for a full eight hours is vital for a healthy mind, body, and organized life.
Unless you’re one of those people who can magically fall asleep within seconds of lying down, remember to account for the time that it takes for you to fall asleep.
For instance, if it takes you 30 minutes to fall asleep, consider going to bed around 8:45 p.m. to wake up at 6:15 a.m.
Moreover, to fall asleep fast, avoid screens and caffeinated drinks in the late evening time.
Similar: 11 Morning Habits To Wake Up At 5 AM
11. Waking up at the same time each day is even better.
Did you know that one of the best ways to maintain a healthy body and streamlined life is by maintaining an efficient sleep schedule?
Think about it this way, if you wake up at the same time every day, your circadian rhythm will be reinforced to prompt you to go to bed at the right time each night.
Not only that but the benefits of a consistent wake-up schedule is enormous.
Your body will know when it’s time to wake up, you’ll have more energy and mental clarity and you’ll be less inclined to oversleep, feel groggy and fall behind with your daily tasks.
It just makes sense to wake up at the same time every day!
Similar: 7 Morning Habits To Start The Day Right
12. Don’t eat at the last minute.
You’ll never catch an organized person running around in the kitchen looking for something to eat when it is almost time to leave for work or school.
Instead, they make their mornings easier by planning out their breakfast and lunch the night before so they are not acting at the very last second when leaving the house.
In all honesty, some days are going to be rushed more than others so eating something is better than nothing, however, planning breakfast and lunch will always allow you to save that extra time you need to stay more organized.
13. Don’t spend your morning doing one thing.
If you want to be more organized, don’t spend hours on a project that you know will not be finished before noon.
Instead, break up your most important tasks into smaller parts and finish one part each morning or each evening when the time permits.
“Biting off more than you can chew” is a sure bet to derail your mornings and have an unorganized life.
14. Don’t Consume Negativity.
Do you have that one gossipy colleague who never has a nice word to say about anyone? Do you and your significant other argue about the same thing almost every morning?
If so, then you should avoid this type of negativity in the morning.
While you may be tempted to engage in a little gossip here and there, it’s best to save it until after your day’s most important tasks are finished.
Focusing on these things (at the start of the day) won’t only waste your precious time, but you’ll also continue seething over the negativity long after you’ve stepped away from the argument or closed the app.
Additionally, instead of engaging in negative topics in the early morning hours, remind yourself that you still have work to do.
Put your focus towards work and more positive things so you can remain organized and get a lot more accomplished.
15. Don’t use devices and screens that are counterproductive.
We all know it’s very tempting to spend time scrolling through our phones after we first wake up — but resist the urge!
Because even if you’re not using screens to consume negative or controversial content, they can still reduce your concentration and stunt your efforts to remain organized.
In fact, psychologist Mary Gomes stresses that limiting screen time improves sleep quality at night and can make you more productive throughout the day.
So do yourself a favor and take a break from all the online distractions (that are counterproductive) and use your energy wisely to get ahead of the game before noon.
16. Label everything.
Labeling household items can be a tedious task, but it’s important to label everything for the sake of organization.
If you are wondering what to start out with, labels are often given in sets and come with an adhesive backing that you can easily peel off before sticking onto your belongings or surfaces around the house.
If you start labeling things now, you’ll find it easier than ever to make sure each item has no problem finding its way back after each use!
17. Sort your fridge like a grocery store.
Keeping your fridge organized will not only keep you from wandering aimlessly through the refrigerator in the morning, but it’s also essential for ensuring that all food items are stored at their ideal temperature to maximize freshness.
Experts also advise using clear bins in a way similar to how grocery stores organize different types of foods — meats and dairy products – so you are less distracted while preparing breakfast!
18. Drink lots of water.
Just like combatting fatigue, if you’re feeling especially sluggish at any point before noon, drink a full glass of water or two.
The importance and necessity of staying properly hydrated have been proven time after time with studies showing the positive effects on our health when we do so — from lessening fatigue to boosting alertness in just hours!
However your journey doesn’t stop with that first couple of glasses of H2O – it’s important to stay well-hydrated by drinking more throughout the day as often as possible for the best results.
19. Stretch.
No matter how well you slept last night, stretching in the morning will make your day more productive!
Experts from South Dakota State University noted that doing morning stretches has a great overall impact on improving blood circulation.
It helps relieve discomfort, pain and decreases the risk of injury as everyday tasks take their toll on our bodies. So whether it’s soreness or sleepiness; go for some light yoga to help turn things around before noon!
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20. Amp up your workouts.
A morning workout can help you start the day well because it releases stress-relieving hormones and gets your blood pumping. You don’t need to run a mile or lift heavy weights either; there are plenty of exercises you can do in your living room!
Similar: 10 Easy Ways To Get Fit If You’re Really Lazy And Don’t Have Motivation
21. Free yourself of clutter.
Nobody likes a mess. An untidy office, car, or living space can give off some pretty bad vibes and this is especially the case when it comes to being more organized in life.
This means that you should always make sure that your surroundings are reasonably tidy at all times so as not to affect your motivation and mental health among other things such as comfort levels too!
As per research on racgp.org.au clutter can severely affect our organization skills which may also lead to less effectiveness during work hours but fortunately, there are many ways we can combat these effects by regularly maintaining our environment with storage solutions.
Similar: 25 Items To Declutter To Live A More Minimal Lifestyle
22. Eat a healthy breakfast.
Eating a healthy breakfast is the best way to start your day, but it’s easy for even those with good intentions to fall prey to their cravings.
Eating too much in the morning will leave you feeling sluggish and mentally foggy by afternoon no matter how well-intentioned you are when starting out your day.
Health experts suggest sticking with smaller portions of healthier foods like fruit or granola so that clear mental focus lasts long into the evening hours. You’ll accomplish more than if your willpower were limited at such an early hour!
23. Remain positive.
Life is full of ups and downs, but sometimes we can get so caught up in our negative thoughts that it becomes difficult to achieve anything.
This can feel very discouraging when everything seems to be going wrong at once, so know that there needs to be an “in-between” where you recognize what’s going right rather than fixating on every single problem all day long.
Once you remain more positive, you’ll get so much more done throughout the day than if you were to harbor the negative.
24. Keep everything in its place.
To help you feel more organized and less stressed, do not try to tackle the entire house in one day or before noon.
Instead, the first step to an organized life and living space is being honest with yourself.
This means that you need to be brutally aware of your sentimental attachments because this will help you decide what needs to stay in the house (and where it should go) and how much can realistically fit into each designated area without feeling crowded or overwhelming.
25. Plan for the Afternoon.
We all crave a healthy routine because we’ll start every morning with the wind in our sails. However, as the hours pass, the afternoon slump is inevitable.
Everyone feels a little less motivated in the afternoons, but with some preparation, it becomes easier to accomplish your tasks and organize more effectively for the day before you find yourself procrastinating again. So don’t forget to plan for the Afternoon!
26. Enjoy Some Peace and Quiet.
All too often, people relax by watching a TV show, scrolling through their favorite social media pages, or listening to a podcast.
Although it depends on what they are consuming… every second of one’s life shouldn’t be packed with noise.
The next time you get up from your desk after finishing a task and want something mindless for entertainment- try meditating instead!
In just 10 minutes (or less!) meditation can help reduce stress levels while increasing focus– helping make the most out of that extra little break to regain some mental power!
It can be hard to stay focused on what you want to accomplish in a world of constant distractions. But one way that has been shown to help with this, is how to stay organized before noon.
So if that means waking up with ambition before the workday begins, so be it!
Besides, everyone should start their workdays off on the right note, no matter if they find it daunting with their lengthy commutes, busy work schedules, and everything else on their to-do lists!
Make sure your clothes and other items are set out neatly for the day ahead and don’t forget to set yourself up for success by eating right and not letting needless things distract you from the task at hand that you need to accomplish.
Maintain an organized environment to allow you more time for what’s important in life so there won’t be anything else vying for attention or things taking up space where they’re not needed.
All of these are great ways to start your day right, so you yourself can be recognized as that highly organized person that’s worth bragging about!
See Also:
Want to get even more organized?! Check out, 100 Helpful Ways That’ll Really Get You Seriously Organized, next!
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