If you are wondering how to be more mindful at home, learn these six proven ways to keep mindfulness at the very core of your home habits. Once you see how they deliberately keep you in the present moment you’ll be hooked!
There’s no doubt that there’s a growing interest in becoming more mindful nowadays.
Everybody wants to know how to eliminate distractions so that they can stay in the present moment to live their best lives.
However, being mindful isn’t just hard to do, it’s a skill that needs to be used and developed on a day-to-day basis.
This is why being mindful at home comes into play.
Mindfulness is a form of meditation and/or state of awareness that focuses the mind on being fully aware of what you are feeling and sensing at the moment without judgment or interpretation.
With saying that, when life is constantly changing from a day-to-day basis, it is true that it may be hard to be aware at all times, however, there is no time like the present to learn to be more mindful to help you, your family, as well as your life.
Also, becoming more mindful at home is a great starting point to expand your consciousness and awareness.
That way you can begin to look at the other various aspects of your life and make the necessary adjustments to continue to serve your highest good.
So if you are ready to learn the proven ways to become more mindful at home, let’s expand your perception with these six key points to living a more mindful life at home!
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6 Habits That Will Help You Be More Mindful at home
1. Meditation.
If you would like to learn how to be more mindful at home, one of the first proven ways is to start practicing mindful meditation.
Mindfulness meditation can be practiced through guided imagery and breathing techniques and helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
The reasons above are exactly why meditation is a great way to start expanding your awareness.
By incorporating meditation into your life it’ll remove emotional thoughts that relate to the past or the future by harnessing the present moment.
Also, at the end of the day, the present moment is really all that we have, so if you consider doing a mindfulness meditation or choose a handy app such as Headspace or Calm (to learn the basics of meditating), once you build upon your mindfulness practice, gradually from there you’ll start reaping the great results.
Here’s how to do a mindfulness meditation:
- Relax and be comfortable – It will be far easier to fall into a state of mindfulness if you are more comfortable with the room’s temperature and the clothing you wear than if you were cold and/or uncomfortable.
- Be in a peaceful space with few distractions – The fewer distractions, the better.
- Take a deep, relaxing breath and close your eyes.
- Concentrate on your breathing – Inhale through your nose for 7 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, then exhale through your mouth until all your breath has been released.
- Keep your focus on the task at hand – Focus only on your breathing, letting all your fleeting thoughts pass by.
2. Ditching the phone.
We all know that it’s hard to be mindful, especially since we almost always have our phones in our hands.
So if you would like to be more mindful at home, consider putting your phone out of reach especially when you are socializing with your family members at home.
Remember, whoever you are socializing with deserves your total attention, be it your kid(s), your partner, or your pet(s).
Moreover, when your phone is right in front of you or just sitting on your lap, you simply cannot properly engage with who you are connecting with, if you happen to get a message or phone call out of the blue.
This is why ditching your phone will help you to be completely engaged with the people you are with and the present moment because *spoiler alert* social media can’t ever replicate that.
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3. Pay close attention to your thoughts right after you wake up.
Practicing mindfulness in the morning will be your best bet to creating it as a habit.
By practicing mindfulness first thing in the morning, it will help set the tone of the prefrontal lobe for the rest of the day, thus raising the possibility of having more aware moments throughout the day.
To help you out, try setting a timer, start with one minute, then slowly increase the amount of time from there.
When you exercise mindfulness in your heart, note how your body feels, how you personally feel, and concentrate, again, on being in the present moment.
4. Consuming Mindfully.
Whether you’re browsing online shopping at home or you can end up falling into those big buying sweeps like Amazon Prime Day, you could regret your decisions if you’re not being mindful of what you are doing.
So the next time you want to purchase anything, ask yourself, “do I really want this? Or am I just trying to stop or avoid a feeling of depression, frustration, anger, or loneliness?”
You’re going to be shocked when you ask yourself these informed questions. Additionally, becoming more aware might just encourage you to be more attentive before searching for your wallet.
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5. Keeping multitasking to a minimum.
Multitasking is not being mindful, in fact, it’s the opposite because only two percent of us are actually able to juggle multiple tasks at once.
If you try to get multiple things done at once, you may also be left feeling less productive, less creative, and feeling even more frustrated.
So to really focus on what you’re working on, try eliminating potential interruptions, keep your space really clean, and encourage yourself to address only one thing at a time.
6. Avoiding the comparison trap.
Skimming through social media frequently allows our minds to wander into negative spaces.
This happens because you will see the influencers you follow and your peers living their wonderful lives and size up your own experiences to what they’ve already achieved.
When we do this, this constant comparison overwhelms our minds and makes us feel less than.
So to avoid the comparison trap and to help you stay more mindful in the present moment, try to limit the time you follow others on social media or unfollow anyone that you are really comparing your life to.
This way you can be more aware of where you want to go, what goals you are attempting to accomplish, and not have any distractions that are comparing your results in your very own home.
We can all use a little more ways to start being more mindful and what’s better than mindfulness? Intentionally creating the life that you crave!
To learn more, check out 10 easy ways to intentionally create your life here!
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Author: Everything Abode
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