If you’ve landed on this page, chances are that you’re curious about what my disclosure means and what affiliate links are… Let me explain them to you!
One of the ways I try to cover the costs of maintaining Everything Abode and offer accessible information to my audience is via a small number of affiliate partnerships (only offering tools that I genuinely use and love), where I get a small percentage commission on sales made through those referrals.
TIP: You don’t pay any more for purchasing through my affiliate links – in fact in some cases you even receive a discount!
Affiliates provide me a means to link certain products (that I trust and use) for my readers to purchase and use. Some articles on the blog contain affiliate links to products and services that I trust and use already. I might receive a small commission if you make a purchase using any of those affiliate links.
If you see a link and click through on those links, please know that NO extra cost will be added to your final price just because I get a commission.
In fact, you may probably get a discount for clicking through on one of my links because Most brands give us bloggers discount codes to benefit you!
Here’s an example: Affiliate means that I work with a particular set of specific companies (such as Amazon & Bluehost) to advertise on my blog.
The link they provide me is a tracking code/link, so when a potential buyer (like you) clicks through on that link and then makes a purchase, I am given a small percentage of that sale at no additional cost to you.
You Will Always Have Free Will to Buy/Purchase Whatever You Choose
Choosing to click on one or multiple links to purchase a product from one of my posts is entirely up to you!
I would never manipulate you into buying something with false statements. The nature of this blog is to be transparent in all its posts. Crediting my resources and where I source my information is my way of showing this transparency.
The credit to another blogger or product of my research will always be noted for your reference. This blog holds a respect for all the information it receives and gathers and how that information is translated to you!
This blog is a resource guide for educational and informational purposes only. My advice doesn’t come with any guarantees. By visiting this site, you’re essentially signing a contract that says that you understand that I make no guarantees. www.everythingabode.com is for informational and entertainment purposes only!
How I Write My Articles…
I draw from my own experiences, the experiences of others, and the trusted resources I’ve researched on the web to create content and affiliate partnerships.
This is some legal stuff, but I will not be liable for errors or omissions. I will also not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from displaying or using the information on this blog or in my emails and downloads.
The views and opinions expressed on this blog are mine and are not reflections of the views and opinions of my affiliate partnerships.
We may work with other companies or partner with them in affiliate marketing programs in exchange for financial rewards and commissions. We will be paid a commission at no additional cost if you purchase via our affiliate link.
We may recommend other products, services, and coaches. However, this is not intended to endorse any information or guarantee that it is correct. These recommendations are based on our own experiences. However, your responsibility is to research to ensure that you have all the information you need about these products, services, and coaches.
We are an Amazon Services LLC Associates Program participant. This program allows sites to earn advertising fees through linking to Amazon.com and advertising on our site.
These third-party or affiliate relationships do not compromise the integrity or quality of the information, materials, and content presented on this website. You are free to ignore these links and make no purchase.
These programs were chosen based on personal preferences and experiences.
These affiliate links are provided on our website for your convenience.
However, we do not have any control over the websites. They are responsible for all information and content. Everything Abode, its officers, successors, employees, or joint venture partners, and anyone else who works with us, cannot be held responsible or liable for the content of these websites or any damages they may cause.
This disclosure policy applies to all affiliate links we share on our website and social media, emails, programs, and products, such as courses, ebooks, services, or any other communication channel with you.
Reservation of rights
I now reserve the right to change how I manage or run my blog and can shift the focus of my content at any time.
By being here, you now consent to all of my disclaimers and disclosure statements and agree to all of its terms.
Also, your support is greatly appreciated if you click one of my affiliate links! 🙂
Everything Abode participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
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