Breathe easier with these top best bedroom plants! These 6 bedroom plants will drastically improve your health and wellness!
Are you looking for the best bedroom plants to update your bedroom?
Well, there is no doubt that having some greenery in your bedroom will do wonders for making you feel more energized.
However, did you know that there are various bedroom houseplants that can work to dramatically improve your overall health as well?
If you haven’t heard of these best bedroom plants, it’s time to head to your local gardening store to pick up these must-have and best bedroom plants because indoor houseplants can make a world of difference for your health!
From improving indoor air quality to soothing your dry and irritated skin, you simply can’t go without some of these refreshing plants in your bedroom.
Here are the 6 best bedroom plants that will do wonders for your health and wellness!
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6 Bedroom Plants That’ll Improve Your Health & Wellness
1. Spider Plant: Best plant to remove airborne toxins.
First up we have the spider plant which is one of the most common healthy indoor plants available on the market today. Spider plants are easy to identify with their long slender leaves that come from the central crown. Their leaves are mostly solid green with white outlines.
If you’ve noticed that your home doesn’t have great indoor air quality, then you may want to consider planting some spider plants to help improve it. This is by far one of the easiest plants to grow and manage!
Health benefits:
Spider plants are an air-purifying plant that has been proven to remove airborne toxins in any room it is placed in. It works to remove formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air in your bedroom. Formaldehyde is a toxic gas that can cause irritation of your throat, nose, and eyes. This colorless gas can be found in a number of household products including fabrics, paper products, and particleboard.
Likes and dislikes:
Spider Plants only have two missteps: Too much excess water and direct sunlight. Try not to leave them directly exposed to the light, because the leaves can burn and die off. It’s a very easy-going plant that happily grows anywhere under low or high light conditions.
This means that you can easily grow this plant in less sunny places in your bedroom. It also doesn’t require any special type of soil and you can get away with just occasional watering it if you happen to be forgetful.
Living with children and pets:
Besides being an easy-to-grow plant, Spider plants are considered safe for dogs, cats, and kids! However, Spider plants do contain a chemical compound that is said to be related to opium. While the Spider plant is considered nontoxic, these compounds can result in an upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea, if ingested.
2. Lavender Plant: Best plant for deeper sleep & air purification.
A very popular flower for its beautiful look as well as its functional use as an essential oil, lavender is a must-have for your bedroom. Lavender gives off a nice aroma that you simply can’t get anywhere else.
Lavender is a very distinctive-looking plant with tiny purple flowers that grow in a whirling pattern. Its foliage is a green-gray color. Lavender plants will typically grow as tall as two to three feet if they have the proper space to do so.
While purple is the most popular color for this plant, the Mediterranean plant does come in light pink with white flowers.
Health benefits:
There’s no better place to grow this plant than in your bedroom because of its calming effects on the body. All it takes is a nice big whiff of lavender to help soothe your nervousness, depression, insomnia, or anxiety.
It’s naturally shown to reduce stress and help you breathe easily and have a better sleep. A study by the Miami Miller School of Medicine even showed that the scent of lavender in bath oil calmed babies and sent them off into a deeper sleep. This is exactly why you’ll find it for sale in many spa-like products including soaps, skincare creams, candles, and bath salts.
Likes and dislikes:
Unlike the spider plant, lavender does need to be put in an area that receives direct sunlight throughout the day. However, you will need to water it often. The biggest fallback of growing indoors is the lack of light. Place near a southern-facing window. Plant your lavender plant in full sun and make sure the soil is well-drained.
Living with children and pets:
Lavender, the plant, does contain a small amount of a compound called linalool, which is toxic to both dogs and cats if ingested. This is a great plant for air purification, but it’s important to check if you are allergic to it before you use it.
3. Aloe Vera: Best plant for improving air quality.
This succulent plant is very unique looking with stemless, fleshy leaves. These leaves are green with white speckles throughout. Along the edge of each leaf, you’ll see white spikes that help to make aloe vera very identifiable alongside other household plants.
Most people think of aloe vera as a clear gel-like substance. They forget all about the plant and that the gel comes from the aloe vera plants’ innermost part of the leaf.
This is a perfect type of house plant to get if you like to cure skin problems naturally. You can apply it directly to your skin to remedy a number of issues. Some of the most common are sunburn, frostbite, burns, cold sores, and psoriasis.
Health benefits:
It produces extra oxygen at night, so like the other plants listed, it will purify the air in your bedroom while you sleep.
Likes and dislikes:
Your aloe will need to be deeply watered so that the water penetrates the roots. Also, natural light but not too much is what this plant likes best. Maintaining an aloe vera plant can take some effort to grow correctly. You’ll want to avoid keeping your aloe vera plant in direct sunlight as it can cause the leaves to start browning.
Living with children and pets:
Although considered a medicinal plant totally safe for humans, aloe vera’s level of toxicity is mild to moderate for cats and dogs. Vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, depression, anorexia, tremors, can happen to your little pets if ingested.
4. English Ivy plant: Best plant for your respiratory system.
This evergreen perennial has been idolized since the times of the ancient Romans and Greeks for many reasons. English Ivy is best described as having thick, glossy leaves.
You’ll find them in dark to medium green tones with white or yellow veins running through them. The leaves on adult English Ivy plants will be oval in shape. These are very easy to identify alongside other ivies as the leaves have a large number of bold veins running through them.
Health benefits:
The most popular thing about this plant is that it helps people with breathing conditions such as asthma, COPD, and bronchitis. It naturally relaxes the airways and reduces the amount of coughing a person experiences. This makes it perfect to put in your bedroom to help you sleep at night.
Another great benefit of having an English ivy plant in your bedroom is that it dilutes 94 percent of airborne mold particles. This means that you’ll not only eliminate the possibility of mold growing in your home but you’ll greatly reduce the allergens that can be wreaking havoc on your respiratory system.
Likes and dislikes:
Unlike other plants that need direct sunlight, English Ivy thrives more under artificial light so try to avoid direct sunlight in summer. Water frequently.
Living with children and pets:
This ivy is another common indoor decorative plant that can be toxic to dogs and cats if eaten. Symptoms of intoxication from English ivy can include abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea, or excessive salivation.
5. Snake Plant: Best plant for air purification.
If improving indoor air quality is your aim, then a snake plant can be the perfect solution. You may also hear this type of plant referred to as mother-in-law’s tongue. Whatever name you refer to it as one thing is for sure, it helps to convert that used up carbon dioxide back into oxygen as you sleep at night.
Snake plants are easily identifiable by their thick, leathery leaves. Since these plants grow two to four feet tall, you’ll be able to pick them out at the gardening center with ease. These leaves are comprised of a dark green tone that can have either a light green outside or simply light green waves running horizontally through each inch of the leaves.
Health benefits:
Apart from removing carbon dioxide, this plant also removes harmful toxins including toluene, xylene, benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde. The snake plant truly is the best plant for air purification to help you breathe better indoors.
Likes and dislikes:
Snake plants are typically about waist-high when fully grown. They’re one of the easiest house plants to grow. They don’t have to be placed in direct sunlight and you don’t have to water them very often. In fact, snake plants tend to grow better when you let the soil dry out a bit before watering.
Living with children and pets:
This plant is mildly toxic to pets as it does contain saponins; natural chemicals produced by the plant to protect it from insects, microbes, and fungi. The level of toxin, however, is relatively low.
6. Boston Fern: Best plant for restoring moisture.
The last of the healthy indoor plants that we’re going to talk about is the Boston Fern. These are very commonly grown in homes as they’re very simple to take care of. It’s known to be a natural humidifier and air purifier for the home.
Boston ferns are described as having a cluster of long green leaves that are fern-like in nature. You’ll see a thin stem run through each leaf with tons of tiny leaves running horizontally along the stem. This type of fern will continue to spread to two or three feet in length at its prime
Health benefits:
This type of fern works great for removing toxins in the air including xylene and formaldehyde. Since it’s a natural humidifier, it works great to help alleviate dry skin. This is great for those who are running air-conditioning around the clock. By having a couple of these ferns hanging around, you can ensure the room stays moisturized alongside your skin.
Likes and dislikes:
Boston ferns thrive in cool environments and their soil must be kept very moist. You can grow these ferns in indirect sunlight as well.
Living with children and pets:
Boston ferns are non-toxic for both cats and dogs.
Consider adding a couple of the suggested best bedroom plants to get started. Once you receive the awesome health benefits you’ll want to add more to your sacred bedroom space.
For more houseplants check out these similar posts:
The Best 8 Indoor Hanging Plants Even a Beginner Can Manage
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Author: Everything Abode
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Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
Wow! What an informative and refreshing blog post. I did not know that plants, especially the six you mentioned, have these phenomenal benefits.Very excellent post. I have bookmarked it for future reference. Excellent
Monday 18th of October 2021
I have 2 Lavender plants in containers in my yard. Now that it is getting colder can I bring them back in to our bedroom or are there specific Lavender plants for indoors? Great article.
12 Things You Should Declutter From Your Bedroom - Everything Abode
Tuesday 31st of August 2021
[…] Remember, your bedroom is a sacred space and you should always treat it as such, especially when it comes to your health and wellness. […]
Tuesday 22nd of June 2021
I would love to have a lavender plant in my room but my boyfriend doesn't like the smell. We do have snake plant in the living room though.
Sunday 16th of May 2021
Happy to see some of my favorites on the list.
I was surprised to see that golden pothos was not on the list. It scored high in the nasa study and thrives in low light conditions and irratic watering. I think of it as the best plant for people who neglect plants.
Saturday 15th of April 2023
@Kelly, I agree with you. That’s always my first plant to look for whether it’s in soil or in water which is every space I can have in my house. Most loyal and dependable plant for me