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7 Powerful Habits of Women Who Age Slowly

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How can you age slowly? These lifestyle habits will help you slow down the aging process so that you can look great and stay young at any age.

7 Clever Daily Habits of Women Who Age Slowly - Everything Abode

Are you looking to turn back the clock in terms of aging?

If you fear aging or want to age gracefully, certain habits will help you look and stay much younger with ease. 

Let’s face it; aging isn’t all that bad. And it shouldn’t worry you as the years go by, either.

You have to take note of some simple habits (that women who have defied the aging process already do) and start implementing them into your own life immediately if you want to see fast results. 

Here are seven healthy lifestyle tips that’ll help you slow the aging process down, so you can look and feel so much younger and for a long time coming!


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How to age gracefully like a woman who knows what she’s doing. 

Before we head into the daily habits, you don’t want to contribute heavily towards premature wrinkles and look older, do you?

Because there are two things that I want to cover quickly that are obvious when it comes to aging.

For a woman to ensure that they always look youthful and vibrant, it is extremely important that they avoid drinking too much alcohol or smoking cigarettes.

These two substances destroy skin and escalate wrinkles to form prematurely due to their extremely high damaging effects on collagen production!

Moreover, smoking is not just bad for your lungs, but given that it escalates aging (the same as alcohol does), it can make you look way older! 

Also, this is exactly why I wanted to briefly talk about these two bad aging habits because a) they are obvious aging factors, and b) I didn’t want to waste too much of your time (and mine) writing about the obvious. 


Okay, so now that we got that out of the way, let’s uncover a few more simple anti-aging ideas that’ll help you stay looking young and healthy as time passes by.

We’ll talk about the best ways to slow the aging process down so your skin looks extra youthful moving forward from today.

Let’s get started!


7 Powerful Daily Habits of Women Who Age Slowly

7 Secrets of Women Who Age Slowly - Everything Abode

1. Maintain blood pressure to slow back the aging process.

According to the National Institute of Health, some of the most important rules to aging well are within your control. 

Additionally, the women who have defied the aging process all have a secret they aren’t telling you — they try to maintain their blood pressure. 

How do they do this? For starters, they try leading a healthy lifestyle first.

They know that a healthy lifestyle will be a strong shield against high blood pressure and prevent the damaging effects of high blood pressure on overall aging. 

Additional tips for maintaining your blood pressure include; lowering your cholesterol, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, drinking alcohol in moderation (or avoiding it altogether), and avoiding the biggest culprit to aging, as we already discussed — smoking.


2. Keep your brain sharp.

Secrets of Women Who Age Slow via @everythingabode

In a recent research study report, their findings told them point-blank that learning and having an active mind in creativity takes the cake when it comes to having longevity in life. 

Also, having a sharp brain strengthens personal development and keeps the brain both healthy and young.

Additionally, an active brain is essential to age slowly, so what can you do?

First, never stop learning! Continually read and/or listen to podcasts to learn even more.

There are even healthy brain activity games and apps that you can play that also aid as an excellent mental health practice too.

Also, even if you are not thinking too far ahead to minimize your chances of getting brain disorders (that are frequent when you come to an older age), the best way to combat an aging brain is to have a healthy brain.

And you can do this by always keeping your brain sharp from learning something new daily.


3. Don’t Eat Takeout regularly.

They usually Never Eat Takeout - Everything Abode

When it comes to defying the aging process, did you know that there is something more to those homemade meals rather than flaunting them all over social media?

In fact, according to Public Health Nutrition, if a person cooks their homemade meals up to five times a week, they are more likely to live longer by a whopping ten years than those who choose to eat takeout. 

Maybe it’s because most take-out food is made to taste extra delicious compared to the food we have at home.

However, opting to make your meals more often will also be cost-effective.

Plus, it’s a pretty easy habit if you already love to cook!


4. Walk but Faster.

7 Secrets of Women Who Age Slow via Everything Abode

Now to really slow down the signs of aging — walk but faster!

When it comes to defying the aging process, every woman comes to the realization that compared to when they were younger, their bodies do not work as well as they once did.

Yet, if you want to figure out how to stay looking and feeling youthful for many years, walking at a decent pace will get the job done!

However, the trick to this anti-aging secret of women who have slowed their aging process is the speed at which they walk.

A slow walking speed may keep you fit, but if you think just moving your body is good enough, walking faster will ADD years to your life!

In fact, according to this study by The Journal of the American Medical Association, walking fast will help prevent many health problems and help with longevity with every step you take. 

Moreover, as you age, your joints will become achy with every step, so if you can take good care of your body NOW, your chances of slowing down the aging process become high!


Sweatcoin via @everythingabode

If you are looking for some help with getting outdoors more, Sweatcoin is amazing and will get you out moving. The app monitors only outside activity, which will get you outside more, plus you can spend your Sweatcoin earnings (the coins you receive for FREE from walking) in their marketplace full of health and wellness products.

Your invite is waiting for you right here!


5. Wear Sunscreen Religiously, even on dark & cloudy days.

7 Secrets of Women Who Age Slow via @everythingabode

We’ll say that you already know the importance of applying sunscreen and moisturizing because this habit is crucial if you want to defy the aging process.

However, there are a few more things to know when it comes to aging slowly, especially when using the right moisturizer ingredients. 

So to help you defy the aging process fast so you can always stay looking youthful and young, brush up on these active ingredients to help slow down the signs of aging. 

Active ingredients in beauty products to slow signs of aging:

  • Hyaluronic acid improves the capacity of the skin to maintain moisture and the amount of water retained in the skin.
  • Natural Oils will rapidly restore radiance and even out your skin tone.
  • Vitamin C helps to rejuvenate and remove damaged marks on strained skin.
  • Glycolic acid is a powerful but mild exfoliating ingredient that acts as a scrub for healthier skin.

Honest Sunscreen via @everythingabode

Honest Sunscreen

Natural Sunscreen via @everythingabode

Two Peas Sunscreen


6.  Stay extra hydrated, even for vanity’s sake.

Drink Lots of Filtered Water via @everythingabode

Drinking water is an absolute MUST to defy the aging process.

But we’re not just talking about a couple of glasses a day — we’re talking up to a liter and a half!

For example, one woman explains her finding after drinking up to six bottles of water daily to help with her headaches and poor digestion, which were also relieved.

She explains, “the dark shadows around my eyes all disappeared, and the blotches on my skin completely smoothed away”.

Her skin became dewy back to how she felt when she was a child because she upped her water intake. 

That means staying hydrated is essential if you want to look younger.

Always make sure you have fresh water with you throughout your day, and take note of how much coffee you are drinking.

Coffee will give you the crash-and-burn feeling much faster than tea or water and dehydrate you, which is horrible for your skin. 

Also, if you looking for an alternative to coffee with an added energy boost, check out The Beginner’s Guide to Adaptogens here!


Drink Lots of Filtered Water via @everythingabode

Glass Alkaline Water Bottle


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7. Eat light & healthy energy snacks to defy aging.

Eat light snacks via @everythingabode

Lastly, snacking your way to look younger is another way to age slower!

Having healthy snacks on hand to stay fueled will help you sustain your energy throughout the day and regulate your blood sugar.

And having stable blood sugar will not only enhance the appearance of your skin but will help sustain your hormone levels and help you stay more positive!

However, light snacks are the key to making this happen!

So always make sure you have some handy nuts and fruit in your purse, ready to consume when your energy starts to droop.

If you do, people will wonder what your hidden secret is with all this boundless and youthful energy you have!


Final thoughts on defying the aging process and how to look young?

Can you slow down and reverse the aging process?

Yes, you can turn back the clock with aging.

All you have to do is follow a few of these healthy lifestyle choices, ensure you are always hydrated and well-fed, use the right skin and beauty products, and get out more and take more steps. 

If you take on a few of these proven anti-aging lifestyle habits, your skin will thank you for knowing these anti-aging secrets and carrying them out!


See Also:

The Best Morning Routine For Busy Moms 8 Things To Do Before 8 A.M --- Everything Abode --- morning routine for mothers

The Best Morning Routine For Busy Moms 8 Things To Do Before 8 a.m!


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Author: Everything Abode

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Wednesday 26th of February 2025

NEVER define yourself by the decade you are in! YOU set the standard and live it. Mindset is everything because it fuels your commitment to do everything else you can accomplish. So many of my friends start their conversations by announcing their age! I recently transformed myself 5 years ago to the point of people do not even recognize me. When they ask how old I am I reply with, "Whatever age makes you comfortable!"


Tuesday 25th of June 2024

Thank you for sharing these tips. Will share it to my friends. I am a health fanatic. I am turning 70 retired and happy. The busy life of working from 8-5 is over. It is about time to look after ourselves . Do some travelling . The best time of my life. 😊


Monday 23rd of October 2023

I don't smoke or drink and yesterday I was carded at age 46 for buying my mom a bottle of Baileys. I also use sun protection. One tip I'd like to share is using eye drops. It's a difference maker for sure. My eyes look and feel younger. Keeping your hair conditioned is another way to defy looking old.


Thursday 25th of April 2024

@Annie, thanks for the insight...what kind of eyedrops do you use? Whitening ones? Are they safe in the long run?

Irene Madrid

Saturday 5th of August 2023

And, I would add attitude! I am 77, still ski fairs ( we are talking speed runs at 54 mph ), of course I work out, eat nutrias foods, use my brain, solving problems or creating solutions and the things mentioned here. My father played racket ball til he was 93 so YES, genetics play a part along with discipline.

Christine Dumonceau

Friday 28th of July 2023

Yoga is a great way to keep healthy and beautiful especially headstand and back bends- also we need to stretch more as we age , women need weight lifting too to help bones passed the menopause. Hard work but good fun.