Are you ready to take the steps you need for real change? Follow Dr. Joe Dispenza with his seven steps to help you change your life around!
When you invest in yourself, you invest in your future!
And even though we know this saying to be true, sometimes life can cause us to feel a little self-critical at times.
Moreover, when we feel like the direction we are heading in is not the right direction for us or when we’re tired of doing the same old things over and over again, that’s most usually a good indicator that we need to make some changes.
Joe Dispenza’s teachings are simple and straightforward and will change your life.
If you are willing to take a leap of faith and follow the steps Dr. Joe Dispenza explains, you really can transform your life.
He believes that by harnessing your inner power, you can create life abundance and real change.
Moreover, this will reshape the way you see the world at the subatomic level.
So if you are looking for a change, here are seven of the best Dr. Joe Dispenza steps that will transform your life.
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7 Steps to Change Your Life (Inspired by Dr. Joe Dispenza)
1. Disconnect from your world.
We’re going to start off with one of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s first steps (from his profound teachings) and that is to take some time out of your busy life to disconnect from your world.
In almost everything Joe Dispenza teaches, he says that we as humans are plugged into all the wrong things such as TV, social media, email, and more needless distractions, etc.
So what does this mean for you?
This means it might be a good idea to turn off your phone, the TV, and power down your computer for a little break every day.
“Your brain needs to disconnect in order to connect to its infinite source to help you,” Dispenza states.
And to do this, you must disconnect from distraction, lie down for a while and close your eyes.
Doing so will allow you to listen to your inner voice and Dispenza believes this is the most important and critical step to get started on the journey towards infinite change.
2. Gather your attention to the present moment.
Next, once you are disconnected from all of your distractions, you can also make fundamental changes in your life if you practice gathering your attention!
Dr. Joe Dispenza says when you practice gathering your attention, this is where your subconscious mind can take a backseat.
And the more you tap in, tune in and gather your attention to focus on a singular thing, the more you will be able to open the gateway to the awareness of the person you really are!
“When you center your attention on the present moment, you are harnessing your truest power of energy. This energy has the power to create the life you desire”, Dispenza states.
So be present, and try to be more aware of your awareness every day, and find a daily practice where you can settle back into the present moment.
Dr. Joe says if you find that your mind wanders towards the past or the predictable future, this is perfectly normal.
Instead of focusing on the past or the predictable future, just be present and make this one of your daily routines for real change.
Dispenza knows that your mind wants to control you all the time.
Then by focusing your attention and gathering your awareness, Dispenza says you’ll be opening up a channel to who you really are and where you’ll realize that your thoughts are just thoughts and they don’t own you.
Here’s an excerpt of a dr joe dispenza meditation to gather your awareness:
Mindfulness meditations can be a great way to connect with your body. They are simple to do once you know how the process works;
- Settle in and find some quiet space.
- Be comfortable, relaxed, and warm.
- Take a deep, relaxing breath and close your eyes.
- Take one to four deep breaths to connect with your body.
- Focus on your breathing.
- Keep your mind on the task at hand. Your thoughts will try to distract you from your breath.
- Practice mindful self-compassion if you feel uneasy. These are positive thoughts you think about yourself.
- Show compassion and love for all that comes to your mind, the good and the bad.
- Keep your mind on your breath and bring your awareness to your body. This will allow you to focus on the present moment.
- Do this meditation for at least 10 minutes each day. Daily practice will bring you the most significant benefits.
Knowing this knowledge will allow you to move on to step three, which is to practice being the person you want to be in every aspect of your life.
SEE ALSO: How to Start a New Life with a Negative Past
3. Visually Rehearse Who You Want to Be.
Now that you are able to disengage from the world and can focus your attention on the present moment…
Let’s practice these powerful moments using the power of mental rehearsal!
As Dr Joe Dispenza states, “You must train yourself to rehearse your future over and over again, to make it concrete, so it can start feeling familiar!”
So it is critically important to first understand that all of the decisions that you make, the actions that you take, and all of the small things you do (in-between your day-to-day activities) should be made by the person you WANT to become and not by the person you once were in the past.
Here is where visualization comes in!
Visualization is an excellent component to use, especially during the open window of awareness, so you can begin rehearsing the future that you crave and not be the same person from the familiar past.
As dr Joe Dispenza puts it, “through visualization you’ll be tuning in, tapping in, and being present to enable you to create the lasting change you desire”.
And since you have learned how to unplug from your distractions and focus your awareness on the present moment (like the last two steps explained), if you start tapping into the feelings of the person you want to be in your physical reality (through the use of visualization), you’ll be much more likely to summon up how you would like to feel in your day to day life.
Through Dispenza’s teaching, he also touts that if you make mental notes of what you would like to change throughout the day and correct your daily decisions as noted, you’ll also become purposefully aware of who you would like to be.
4. Teach your body emotionally.
Now the fourth step is all about teaching your body emotionally to feel the life that you are craving to live.
After all, “You must feel it to receive it”, Dr. Joe Dispenza declares and you must do this every single day if you want to get to your desired results quickly.
If you do, this awareness of feeling the emotions in your body will start to open up more and more and your visualization is going to start feeling very real for you.
When this happens, you’ll start getting more familiar with the feelings that you want to feel and this is where you can start the fine-tuning process for truly lasting change.
Also, if you harness the power of feeling your way to your desired outcomes on a daily basis, eventually your body and mind will follow that feeling!
Eventually, you will have a symbiotic relationship with the present moment with the emotions that you’d like to feel, that way you can begin to create the future that you desire.
When it comes to visualizing your ideal life, Dispenza asserts…
“When we become aware that we don’t have something we want, we naturally experience the emotion of lack from not having what we desire. This is how we begin creating through our imagination. It is our natural, innate propensity to be creators at play. The more we think about these things and imagine what it would be like to have them, the more our brain naturally starts creating pictures and images of what our future could look like. This is what it means to dream the dream of the future”.
So let’s put this into action!
Here’s how to teach your body emotionally:
- Let’s suppose you are angry and you want to be happy. The first thing you need to do is admit your feelings.
- Next, let it out by writing down your feelings or having a good cry.
- Dr. Joe Dispenza encourages you to not sit with emotions you don’t desire for too long.
- Be present with yourself by closing your eyes and disconnecting from the world.
- Concentrate on your breathing and keep your focus on the present moment.
- Get to the golden feeling by practicing and visualizing your ideal self.
- Teach your body emotional things about your future. Don’t stop until you feel them in the present moment.
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5. Decide what thoughts you want to bring with you to your future.
Dr. Joe says it best when it comes to achieving true change: “You cannot go into the future holding on to the biology of the past.”
You can change your thoughts by changing the way you think. If you choose what thoughts you want to bring to your future, and let go of all others, you will be in control of your life.
Your past biology is what binds you. Your total existence is made up of the thoughts and memories you hold dearest to your heart.
This means that you alone must decide what thoughts are holding you back and what thoughts can help you feel more like your future self.
Keep in mind that thoughts such as “I can’t”, I’m too difficult, “I won’t change”, or “I will do it tomorrow” — these thoughts are only going to limit your potential.
Be aware of negative thoughts and recurrent thoughts in your awareness, too. Then, actively work to rewrite/rehearse positive thoughts that will benefit you the most.
To help you retrain your thinking, try this:
- Take the time to observe your thoughts and identify what thoughts are holding you back. Ask yourself hard and deep questions to find out what thoughts are bringing you down.
- Be open to humor and see if you can find a humorous way to look at how you are currently thinking.
- Follow a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle will always help you remain in a positive state when it comes to your thinking.
- Practice positive self-talk. Deliberately speak to yourself as your ‘future self’ would and give yourself compassion and a better sense of self worth, especially when shame and negativity start to creep in and take hold.
- Always surround yourself with positive people. They’ll naturally rub off on you in a positive way!
6. Ask yourself important questions.
The sixth step in creating a better life for yourself is asking deep questions to shift your perception.
Start by asking yourself the very important question: “What do I want in my life?”
If you can define a vision of your future instead of recreating the memories of the past, you will be actively thinking outside the box.
Once you begin to contemplate and think about the answer to such powerful questions, whether you know it or not, you’re changing your brain.
When you make your brain fire in new sequences with new patterns and new combinations (by deliberately asking yourself powerful questions like the example above), your mind will begin to search for the answer and look for new ways to help you.
You may not believe it, but so much of our lives are shaped by the past. Our past keeps us from making positive and lasting changes. However, it doesn’t have to be this way.
These 6 Life-Changing Deep Questions You Need To Ask Yourself are powerful and profound.
7. Monitor your behaviors to nix out the bad.
The final step in cultivating lasting change is to identify the actions and unconscious habits you wish to change and to create a plan to do so.
Dr. Joe states in his book Becoming Supernatural that it is possible to become so conscious of limiting behaviors that you won’t go unconscious again if you commit to actively monitoring them.
Monitoring allows you to control your thoughts, actions, criticisms, reactions, and behavior. These are all within your reach.
You can recognize what’s holding you back, and then you can change it.
For tips to monitor your behaviors, try this:
- Pay attention to your thoughts. Find out what is holding you back and how you can change it.
- Find meaning. Spend some time figuring out what is most important in your life and why.
- Make a dream board. As children, we used to daydream all day. However, you can still do this as an adult. Grab some magazines and take out any articles and pictures that inspire you to dream more.
- Set goals. A goal, no matter how small or large, will always be positive in your life.
- Be free from past regrets. To start a new life and make further changes, it is necessary to let go of the past.
- Face your fears. Take on the fear. It’s a good idea to push beyond your comfort zone. This will allow you to make positive changes in your life.
- Live a balanced life. Get your sleep under control, stop bad habits if you can, and start leading a more healthy lifestyle, one that you can be most proud of.
- Accept yourself. Each star in the galaxy is as unique as you are. Be proud of the things you have accomplished in your life, and accept where you are at this moment. If you are compassionate towards yourself, this will make all the difference in becoming supernatural.
Top dr. joe dispenza books
Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Dr. Joe Dispenza
There you have it!
There is nothing more powerful than being able to take control of your life, be in the present moment, and actively become more aware!
So take action on these steps and make Dr. Joe Dispenza’s steps a daily ritual.
If you do, you’ll be so much closer to changing your life around.
You can find out more about Dr. Joe Dispenza’s outstanding life-changing advice written in several of his books here, self-help programs, or his website.
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Author: Everything Abode
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Saturday 27th of March 2021
I really like the post it is really inform and helpful Whats key here is take action to do these things and be comre COMMITTED because its really CHALLENGING when you fight your thoughts feelings and disconnect
Thank you ?
Sunday 28th of March 2021
I'm pleased to hear you enjoyed it! Thanks :)
Maggie Vance
Wednesday 23rd of October 2019
Great Post! Dr. Joe is so inspirational and you did a Really Nice job paraphrasing His Message.
Yes! Being in the Present moment is so important and one of the most difficult things to do as a human. We are so wrapped up in beating ourselves up for yesterday and/or worrying about tomorrow that we don't enjoy what is happening right now.
This is why I have a pinterest board for Hygge, FIkA, ETC. It's all about being in the present moment. I pin to the board to remind myself to enjoy right now. Even as I write this comment I am sitting in front of a large window watching the leaves fall on a chilly morning with a steaming cup of coffee, Music playing and candles lit. I am surrounded by fall decorations.
So even sitting and commenting on a wonderful post, I am in the present moment, enjoying it.
I AM A BLOGGER as well and I know how much stuff needs to be done. I could be worried about it but it won't make it get done faster. I know that I have made mistakes or even published posts that I no longer agree with. It can all be fixed.
I like what you have to Say here and am subscribing to your blog.
Wednesday 23rd of October 2019
So wonderful to hear Maggie, thank you for such a generous comment. It made my day!:)