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15 Brilliant DIY Clothing Fixes Every Girl Should Know

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DIY clothing fixes

Do you hate it when your favorite clothing items become damaged, stained, or unwearable?

How about when you are looking for something to wear, don’t you find it incredibly frustrating when your most-worn clothes are in despair?

Well, fortunately for you, there are several DIY clothing fixes that you can apply today to make your clothes more wearable.

In fact, these easy DIY clothing hacks show you how to fix your clothes in a matter of minutes. 

Not only that but these clothing fixes will help make your old clothes look new again.

So if you are looking for handy tutorials to fix your clothes, especially when you want to wear your favorite shirt or pants in a hurry, here are 15 easy and quick, brilliant DIY clothing hacks that every girl should know.


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15 DIY Clothing Fixes That Every Girl Should Know

15 DIY Clothing Fixes That Every Girl Should Know -- Everything Abode

1. Mending torn jeans.

DIY Clothing Fixes, torn jeans

Every couple of months, we make holes in our jeans. Some are deliberate and some are accidental. 

However, for the jean holes that aren’t made to look deliberate, why not highlight the tear on your torn jeans with a colorful material underneath the hole?

A lot of people assume that when their favorite pair of jeans has a hole, the jeans have seen their days and it’s time to buy new ones.

However, what they don’t know is they can simply sew a new patch of fabric (underneath the hole) and it will cover the tear so it won’t show any skin.

If you would like to recreate this DIY clothing hack yourself, sewing by hand is the easiest method to apply the new jean fabric to mend the tear in a ripped pair of jeans.


2. Fixing a stuck zipper.

Another great way to fix your clothes, especially when a zipper is stuck is to easily fix it with this clothing hack!

Fixing a stuck zipper doesn’t take much and is one of the easiest DIY clothing hacks you can easily apply in seconds using a graphite pencil or crayon.

All you have to do is rub the tip of the pencil or crayon on both sides of the teeth of the zipper (where it is stuck) and you should be well on your way to being able to zip it back up! 

Try two more times if you are finding it not working, and it ought to work. If it doesn’t, try a lubricant such as a non-oil-based lubricant such as Windex, or try using Vaseline but be careful not to stain the fabric. 

Moreover, make sure to apply whatever lubricant you choose to either side of the zipper to help loosen the zip. And extra bonus points if you use crayons where the colors match the zipper as well!


3. Using a fabric razor to remove pilings from clothes.

Use a fabric razor to remove pilings from clothes

If we are being really honest here, no one wants fluffs or the little balls of fabric accumulating on their clothes after washing, right?!
Luckily there is an easy clothing fix that you can do in a few minutes or less, the next time your favorite sweater has fluffs or pulling on the fabric. 
All you have to do is use a fabric razor to get rid of them. And a cheap razor will work too! 

Ensure the razor is sharp enough to shave the access fabric peeking out of the fabric by pulling the fabric with one hand (to stretch the garment) while also using the other hand to shave a section of the fabric at a time in a delicate manner.

Slightly shaving the fabric will prevent cutting the garment and also ensure the garments stay in great shape.

Don’t forget to wipe off the razor with a paper towel (once it gets full of fuzz) so you can use it again and you should be good to go!


4. How to stop the tear in stocking/tights from spreading.

As much as girls love wearing tights, they are also prone to tears very easily.

Sometimes, they can tear after multiple uses, and sometimes it is unfortunate if they are put on too fast for the first time. 

However, since snagging tights can be too easy, repairing them can be equally as effortless.

All you have to do is apply a clear nail polish along the run of the tear and it should prevent the tear from spreading any further.

Moreover, if you find the clear nail polish doesn’t work, hairspray will prevent further snags as well!

Just spray the area that is torn or ripped with a hairspray of your choice, and as the spray hardens on the tights surrounding the tear, it should meld and stay together quite nicely. 


5. Removing Oil Stains from Clothes.

DIY clothing hacks to prevent oil stains on clothing

It is normal to find your shirt with oil stains when you work with oil, however, sometimes oil stains can happen to almost anyone. 

When times like these arise, getting rid of oil stains through washing should do the trick, right?

But unfortunately, even the priciest laundry detergent can’t even tackle an oil stain properly. 

So another great clothing fix or hack to fix your clothes fast and in less than a few minutes is to tackle that pesky oil with baking soda.

If you were to use baking soda to soak up any excess oil on your garment, the baking soda has a great way of lifting the oil to the surface, so you can easily wash it away.

Not only that but if you scrub out the oil stain with baking soda under warm water and rinse the garment after, it should be enough to release the hold of the oil in the fabric. 


6. Fixing a sweater snag.

Your sweaters easily get snagged, right?

Well if so, you can fit it effortlessly with this DIY clothing hack!

Fixing snags is vital before your sweater unravels so you don’t have to throw it away.

Moreover, no matter where you are, you can easily fix snags on your sweater if you use a bobby pin or a crochet hook to pull the surrounding hoops or loops to spread the tension, in order to fix the yarn from unraveling.

All you have to do is find the adjacent loop to the pulled loop and use a bobby pin to pull the loop tight. 

Make sure to use your hands to spread out the fabric as the tension should help you see what you need to do.

Doing this one trick to fix a pulled fabric in your favorite garment should help the fabric from unraveling any further. 


7. De-fuzz Your Coat with a Pumice Stone.

Pumice Stone for fabric as a fast clothing hack

If you don’t want to use a razor to remove the fuzz on your coats, a pumice stone is also very reliable.

The lighter and loosely structured pumice of the stone is recommended because the rough texture of the pumice grabs the pills and breaks them loose.

If you use it on a coat, particularly made of wool, it will be left with a smooth finish.


8. Reinserting a Drawstring.

how to reinsert a drawstring in your sweatpants or hoodie

If you happen to have a hoodie or a pair of sweatpants and the drawstring comes out, it’s always a struggle to get it back in place.

However, this is a very easy clothing hack that eases getting the drawstring back in, in just a few minutes.

All you need is a safety pin. Simply attach the safety pin to one end of the string and pull it through the hole.  As you feel the metal of the pin through the fabric you should be able to work its way back into place.

Of course, if you utilize this clothing fix you’ll never have to worry about the drawstring being misplaced ever again, as the pin will always be able to tell you where the drawstring is. (I wish I knew this earlier!)


9. Never Lose a Button Again.

Never Lose a Button Again - Everything Abode

I’m sure everyone has experienced it.

You try on your favorite shirt and realize a missing button.

But you can fix loose buttons with this trick.

Apply clear nail polish on the button’s thread. The nail polish seals the threads and prevents unraveling.

When applying the nail polish, remove any loose strands.


10. Waterproof Your Flats.

Most girls love flat shoes. Flat shoes wear out faster than other shoes.

Scuffs are the most common visible signs of wearing out.

When the shoes are new, treat them with a protectant spray. Waterproof the shoes regularly to protect them from rain and stains.

Bee wax acts as an excellent waterproof.


11. Removing Sweat Stains.

Vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and salt can be used in getting rid of sweat stains.

Mix a cup of vinegar with two cups of water. Soak your shirt for 20 minutes.

Mix a half cup of baking soda with a spoon of salt and a spoon of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the paste on the sweat spot and rub.

The sweat stains will clear.


12. Removing Makeup Smudges.

Image Source// Heartbowsmakeup

I’m sure you have noticed a makeup stain on your clothes.

Applying some shaving cream will assist in removing the smudge.

Rub the shaving cream on the stain to get rid of it. If the stain is heavier, repeat the procedure a few times. Eventually, the stain will disappear.


13. Unshrinking a Shirt.

Washing your shirt and finding it shrank is unfortunate.

I’m sure it has happened to all of us. It is effortless to unshrink a shirt. The odds are that you already have what you require to unshrink your shirt.

Water and hair conditioners are needed.

Fill a bucket with warm water and mix with three spoons of the conditioner. Submerge the shirt into the water and leave it for fifteen minutes.

Wring the excess water and dry the shirt using a towel.


14. Prevent Your Jeans from Fading.

wikihow prevent your jeans from facing
Image Source // Wikihow

Jeans are the most common outfit won by anyone. Jeans are, however, prone to fading.

To preserve the color, replace detergent with vinegar.

Vinegar is less abrasive than detergent but has the same cleaning effects.


15. Easily Cover Old Scuffs.

Patent leather and vinyl shoes are the best shoes that usually get nicks and scratched up from time to time.

Not to worry though because all you need is this little fix. 

Just dab on similar colored nail polish to fill in all the little nicks and scuffs on your worn-out shoes. 

Or alternatively, you can use a permanent marker (same shoe color) and fill in the nicks to stop making them so darn noticeable. 

There you have it. These 15 easy DIY clothing hacks really do make ‘how to fix your clothes’ easy!

Use these tips every so often when your clothes suffer from wear and tear.


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