Are you apologizing too much? If so, these are the top 12 things that you should seriously reconsider not apologizing for!
As a woman, day-to-day living can be both rewarding and complex, yet difficult, to say the least.
The reason for this is, is our society guilts women into living within certain limits, robbing them of the freedom to live within their own glory.
And as each woman has the right to govern her life without fear of judgment from others, they also find themselves apologizing for it.
So why do women tend to feel like they need to say sorry all the time?
According to a University of Waterloo study, women have the tendency to apologize — for everything — because women likely have a lower threshold than men for what they consider offensive.
It’s simple; women apologize endlessly for incidents that do not need explanations.
Not only that, but there are also no reasons to excuse or feel guilty of any sort, especially if they are not doing anything wrong.
So if you would like to stop apologizing for the way you live your life, here are 12 things that you and every other woman in the world should stop apologizing for immediately!
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12 Things Every Woman Needs To Stop Apologizing For
1. Saying “No”.
Many women harbor guilt when it comes to saying “no”. However, when they do this, they often overlook that saying “yes” to convenience others is just another way of saying “no” to themselves.
Not only that, but when you say “yes” but don’t mean it, it only invalidates your own needs and desires. You’ll be submitting to people-pleasing antics which is the equivalent of volunteering to place yourself on the back burner for those who might rarely appreciate your efforts.
So the next time you are asked for a favor or something that requires you to instinctively say “yes” when you really mean “no!”, keep yourself and your best interests in mind, as it’s one of the most empowering acts of self-love that you can do for yourself.
2. Being Busy.
Ladies, do yourself a favor and stop apologizing for being busy.
As adults, we all have priorities and obligations to meet, so feeling bad and saying “sorry” for putting things off is just another way of tormenting yourself.
Come to the blatant realization that you just don’t have the extra time to spare to take on additional duties or hangouts if your schedule is very full.
It is not that you care for your loved ones any less than you should, nor is it a sign that you are in over your head unless you declare it so.
However, you are just busy creating a better life for yourself, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
3. Wanting To Spend Time Alone.
Even if your schedule isn’t exactly booked, it is still okay to decline offers to hang out or do favors for others.
In this day in age, everyone feels entitled to other people’s time. And by stretching yourself thin to make every brunch, day party, girl’s night out, sports event, and everything in between, you will eventually run out of steam.
Solitude is good for the soul, and you deserve some alone time to recharge, even if you just need a couple of hours to stare at the ceiling or to binge-watch your favorite Netflix show.
4. Uniquely Managing a Household.
The next thing you should reconsider apologizing for is how you run your household.
Because no matter how well your household is run, there are always a few things that others would do differently.
Fortunately, no one else has precedence over your home affairs besides you and possibly the other residents, so now is your time to stop apologizing for having a messy room or slipping on house chores from time to time.
Additionally, don’t worry about breaking the bank to keep up with the Joneses because there is absolutely nothing absurd about eating breakfast for dinner.
After all, it is your home, so your standards should only apply especially if they make you happy and that’s really all that matters. Anyone who disagrees can be taken off of the guest list whenever you choose.
5. Speaking Up For Yourself.
Did you know that women who speak up for themselves are often made to be looked at as combative and irrational?
This is not to make you feel bad and say “sorry”, however, this should never deter you from speaking in favor of your best interests.
It is your birthright to hold opinions, even if they go against what everyone else believes to be true.
Moreover, if standing up for yourself means losing brownie points and pushing others away, it will definitely be for the best!
Besides, anyone who rules against you voicing your own views isn’t worthy of occupying a spot in your life anyway, so stay true to your values and never apologize for having an opinion.
6. Unintentionally Offending Others.
With so many different people and ways of living, it is hard not to offend a few souls along the way.
However, when it comes to unintentionally stepping on someone’s toes, your first instinct may be to gravel at their feet, hoping for forgiveness. Yet, this is one of the worst things that you can do for your own bottom line.
Acknowledging that you may have spoken out of turn is one thing, but stop harping over your mistake and apologizing for it.
Instead, reassure the other party that your intentions were pure, and ask that they pardon the incident. Even if it doesn’t end well, never resort to begging for forgiveness.
Mistakes happen, and people should be more understanding as that’s the way life goes sometimes.
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7. Not Devoting All Of Your Time To Your Children.
This concept may be foreign to a lot of people, especially if they don’t have a child or more, but if you are a mother then you should definitely stop saying sorry for spending time away from your kids.
You are a mother, but you also hold various other important titles. You may be an athlete, an entrepreneur, an employee, a friend, a wife, but above all else, you still are a person.
Mothers, like everyone else, deserve the freedom to go places and do things without their little ones.
And doing so makes you no less than an amazing mom who preserves her energy for when you need it best.
What’s more, children have their own lives to tend to, so you being in their space all of the time could actually hinder their growth.
8. Having Emotions.
Another reason to stop saying sorry is being in touch with your feelings.
Shaming women for having emotions is pure abuse.
Getting your feelings hurt or being vulnerable is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it takes a lot of strength to admit to being hurt, sad, upset, stressed, or even depressed.
Vocalizing these feelings doesn’t make you a complainer or someone that can’t handle their own weight. Bad days and unideal circumstances are inevitable, and it is your right to react to them the way in which you see fit.
“Sucking it up” or hiding your emotions won’t do any good in terms of making peace with them. Grant yourself permission to feel without regard to the opinions of others.
9. Your Dating Life.
No one’s dating life is squeaky clean, no matter how perfect it appears to be on the surface. The idea of finding your one true love and racing down to the sunset is kind of played out and fairly unrealistic in today’s world.
Dating and marriage are two of the things that are handled on a case by case basis. Not every woman wants to settle down for eternity, and others may perpetually search for the love interest that will last the test of time.
Despite how well we aim to navigate it, life and love are unpredictable. So, never let anyone decide how and when you should settle down or if a spouse is right for you. At the end of the day, your happiness is what matters the most.
10. Working Too Much Or Not Working At All.
Your financial situation is yours alone. It is not fair for anyone to make you feel bad for being an ambitious woman who spends her early mornings and late evenings at the office or being a stay-at-home mom that never misses a spa day and maintains a tidy home.
Both are equally okay. Allowing others to make you feel ashamed for choosing the path that best suits your lifestyle will lead to your gradual undoing.
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11. Your Appearance.
Body shaming is disgusting, and telling a woman what she should look like is crossing the line. Whether you prefer going out bare-faced or are curvy or thin, your appearance is your own, and there is no need to feel ashamed about it.
Fully embracing your appearance is one of the clearest signs of self-love and self-appreciation.
So, wear that stylish new tank top that you have been lusting over, or throw on a pair of comfy pajama pants. Ignore the haunting critics of society, and be unapologetically proud of the skin that you are in.
12. Taking Care Of Yourself.
You are precious cargo, so taking care of yourself is the most honorable thing to do. Hit the gym. Eat right. Head to the spa. Do whatever makes you feel good, even if it means ignoring the countless texts, emails, and phone calls that tend to eat your days away.
You deserve to be treated well each second, no matter who or what is demanding your attention. The world takes you at your own value, so never regret the precious time and energy spent making yourself happy.
Above all else, stop feeling sorry for being yourself. The world is your oyster, and it is only fair that you live it up free of all inhibitions. \
Put on a brave face, and reclaim your power. Your greatest version is waiting on the other side.
See also:
Check out, How to Do a 30-Day Mental Health Challenge, next!
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Author: Everything Abode
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